
 Samsung GALAXY Note 9 PRECOMANDA DATA 351155

Samsung GALAXY Note 9 are data of an anonymous intentional prezentarii oficiale, nol model of telefon al celor of the Samsung avand dezvaluite ieri foarte multe noutati interesante de chatre presedintele diviziei mobile to Samsung. Ein bine, informatia privind precomenzile pentru Samsung GALAXY Note 9 nu a fost spusa in fata presei of DJ Koh, insa vine cel mai probabil of the el, o publicatie coreeana oferind detaliile in cursul zilei de ieri.

Samsung GALAXY Note 9 urmeaza sa fie prezentat pe data from 9 august of compania Samsung, insa lansarea noului telefon model urmeaza its aiba loc abia in data of 24 august, adica the 2 saptamani distanta. According to the South Korean Hearing, Samsung GALAXY Note 9 urmeaza its availability pentru precomanda incepand cu data de 15 august, adica the saptamana dupa this a fost prezentat of korea koreani, if the 9 zile inante of a fi lansat pe piata. 19659004] Samsung GALAXY Note 9: DATA of PRECOMANDA Anuntata

Samsung GALAXY Note 9 is going to take place next to the end of the world. Samsung GALAXY Note 8 its fi fost prezentat in toamna anului trecut, iar asta deoarece Samsung vrea sa aiba an avans in fata noilor model ale iPhone din toamna. Samsung GALAXY Note 9 goes ajunge so pe piata cu aproape o luna intelle ca ca 9 iPhone, iPhone X 2018 if iPhone X Plus its presentate of compania Apple, asa ca artrebui sa aiba si vanzari mai bune decat seria anterioara.

"Samsung will start receiving pre-orders for the new flagship Galaxy Note 9 smartphone in mid-August. The handset will be unveiled on Aug. 9 in New York, ahead of its official release in the domestic market on Aug. 24. Sept. 15 "

Samsung GALAXY Note 9 goes avea multe nautati in ceea this priveste componentele internal, insa in naked design materia exista schimbari care his faca vreun fan his wife entuziasmat of cumpararea acestui model of telefon. Samsung GALAXY Note 9 ar puta avea deasemenea a vanzare loan care incepe of the minimum 1000 euro in Europa, adica egal, us usa may scump decat cel al Samsung GALAXY Note 8.

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