
<img class = "td-post-image-full-and-grid aligncenter wp-image-351587" title = "Samsung GALAXY Note 9 UNITATE REALA Imagini" src = " wp-content / uploads / 2018/07 / Samsung-GALAXY-Note-9-UNITATE-REALA-Imagini.jpg "alt =" Samsung GALAXY Note 9 Samsung GALAXY Note 9 Samsung GALAXY Note 9 Samsung GALAXY Note 9 Samsung GALAXY Note 9 manufactured by dark manufacturers in China.You can see in the first image below this real Samsung GALAXY Note 9 unit that the Korean company has offered to somebody. one to test before launch, including identification tags, including those of the test person. [19659003] Samsung GALAXY Note 9 looks great with Samsung GALAXY Note 8, the main difference being given by the camera that is placed horizontally in the case, it has a fingerprint reader positioned just below, but at Practically, the design of this Samsung GALAXY Note 9 also shows that in the different images created on the basis of production sketches, and those who said that the phone would not make major changes are perfectly right, as expected [19659002] Samsung GALAXY Note 9: GALAXY Rating # 9 "width =" 400 "height =" 225 "srcset =" 9-UNITATE-REALA-Imagini-1.jpg 1924w,×168 .jpg 300w,×281.jpg 500w, https: // cdn / wp-content / uploads / 2018/07 / Samsung-GALAXY-Note-9-UNITATE-REALA-Imagini-1-640×359.jpg 640w, uploads / 2018/07 / Samsung-GALAXY-Note-9-UNITATE-REALA-Imagini-1-681×382.jpg 681w "sizes =" (max-width: 400px) 100vw, 400px "/>

Samsung GALAXY Note 9 at the code name SM-N960U, as you can see in the picture above, it is certified by the US authorities for launch a few weeks ago. Samsung GALAXY Note 9 appears in the image below and in a press image that perfectly matches the actual unit, including the dual camera, which will have a larger image sensor, and a smaller one, which is a change we have not yet learned

  Samsung GALAXY Notes 9 REAL UNIT Images 2

Samsung GALAXY Note 9 is programmed by Samsung for an event to take place the day of August 9th, but the launch should take place on August 24th. The Samsung GALAXY Note 9 will be sold from at least 1,000 euros in Romania, and pre-orders should begin on August 15, so we have not much to expect until that that we can discover all the news. [19659009] [ad_2]
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