Samsung Galaxy Note9 photographed on the go. Has already broken screen


It was just a matter of time before the first images of Galaxy Note9 were put online by anyone who had access to the phone before the official announcement. Unfortunately, these pictures are not impressive, showing the phone in a rather … unpleasant state. This seems to confirm most rumors up to now, but it might suggest that it does not use the new Gorilla Glass 6 as the image unit is photographed with the glass broken on the screen

The information that can be extracted from these photos is the fact that the back of the camera has really undergone the most changes, it is that is, the dual camera system was now positioned above the fingerprint sensor. Otherwise, the phone seems almost identical to Galaxy Note8 last year. Being a black unit, which is pretty standard, we can not know what other colors Samsung has prepared, for now only the blue version is present in the images filed on the internet

On the front, however, the phone has cracked screen. There is already speculation suggesting that this is a screen protector applied to the original bottle, but looking at the edges of the phone, they are similar on both sides and it does not There do not seem to be any cuts on cameras and sensors. from the factory. This situation does not give much confidence in the new Samsung phone in terms of shock resistance, but we do not even know why it was used before the photos

It is possible that this unit was used even to test the impact resistance, and cracks are the result of several successive drops. Of course, there is a possibility that whoever had this prototype escaped. Unfortunately, for the one who launched the images online, several markers that can drive the unit were visible in the images, even though the IMEI and the serial code were hidden. Ironic, the message "does not leak information" on the back is also visible.

The latter might suggest that we are dealing with a fake photo, with the message being specially added. Until July 9, we will not know for sure if this is really the final design of Galaxy Note9 and what kind of glass Samsung has used in its construction. Considering that Gorilla Glass 6 has just been announced, there is little chance that Samsung will get Corning components so quickly. However, being the number one smartphone market, there is a possibility of agreement between the two companies.

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