
 Samsung GALAXY S10 Camera GROZAVA 350338

Samsung GALAXY S10 are dezvaluita noua camera uimitoare cu foarte mult timp inainte de lansare, insa pentru ca in 2019 compania Samsung goes lansa trei model telefoane, coreenii vor implementa camere diferite pentru fiecare. Camera grozava despres care vorbim astazi nu go fi regasita in Samsung GALAXY S10, ci in modelul Plus, acesta urmand a avea o camera tripla, cu senzori of imagine diferiti, care vor oferi functionalitate fel de diferita.

Samsung GALAXY S10 Plus This may be a model, but his triplet goes to a senzor of the main imaginary care goes to 12 megapixeli if deschidere variabila f / 1.5 – f / 2.4 pentru inregistrare foto if video. Separat de acest senzor de imagen, Samsung GALAXY S10 PLus goes avea inclusiv a senzor of 16 megapixeli wide-angle care preia imagini the 123 of grade, acesta din urma avand o deschidere f / 1.9, deci nu chiar grozava.

Samsung GALAXY S10: Camera GROZAVA Dezvaluita

Samsung GALAXY S10 n go avea acest senzor of imagine in versiunea standard, insa modelul Plus it goes oferi impreuna cu a altrilea senzor of imagine care goes avea 13 megapixeli. Samsung GALAXY S10 is designed for Samsung TV GALAXY S10, and is available for telephoto, with 2.4 or less, and is ideal for zooming out the 2x, standard model with a screen of 5.8 inch.

"Galaxy S10 (Beyond0 and Beyond1) comes with a normal hand-variable aperture camera (f1.5 / f2.4) and 12 megapixels and also one Camera with super wide angle (123 °) and 16MP at f1.9 has. The largest Galaxy S10, the Beyond2, should get even get donated three cameras. A hand camera with 12MP and f1.5 / f2.4, a super wide angle camera with 16MP and f1.9 and a zoom camera with 13MP and f2.4.

Samsung GALAXY S10, in versiunile cu 5.8 inch ecran, goes oferi duala camera, ambele telefoane urmand ava cate una integrata, dar e posibil ca functionalitatea oferita de catre fiecare sa fie diferita pentru clienti. Deocamdata Samsung GALAXY S10 generaza destul of multa confuzie din cauza celor 3 model aflate in dezvoltare, the fel cum is intampla cu telefoanele iPhone pe care Apple the va lansa in 2018, asa ca ramane de vazut this vom mai afla.

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