Samsung GALAXY S10 if Samsung GALAXY F to fost confirmed in mod oficial astazi of compania Samsung in anuntul privind rezultatele financiare pentru T2 2018, telefoanele In the year of 2019, the Samsung's Samsung Galaxy S9 has been replaced by the Samsung Galaxy S9, which has been added to the original warranty. This is why Samsung GALAXY S10 has been awarded to Samsung GALAXY F in the first half of the year. 19659003] Samsung GALAXY S10 if Samsung GALAXY F nu sunt direct mention of koreani, insa ei spun ca vor lansa a new smartphone care are suport 5G integrat, el urmand a folosi a chip Qualdomm Snapdragon 855. Samsung GALAXY S10 is telefonul the care face to refer to Samsung at this point, as well as in the case of Samsung GALAXY F his aiba acest suport integrat multumita nului chip, al doilea putand fi lansat chiar inaintea primului, DACIA GALAXY S10 if GALAXY F at fost CONFIRMATE OFICIAL
Samsung GALAXY F este mention of the Samsung sub forma unui new model of smartphone care are o forma diferita fata de ceea ce am vazut pana acum , iar cam tot asta not spun if zvonurile aparute in ultimele saptamani. Samsung GALAXY S10 if Samsung GALAXY F vorfurmatoarele model smartphone-uri majore p care compania Samsung the go lansa pe piata dupa this Samsung GALAXY Note 9 goes fi lansat in cursul lunii viitoare, iar asteptarile sunt foarte husband.
"In response, Samsung will seek to expand sales by introducing a new Galaxy Note earlier than usual, which offers exceptional performance for a reasonable price. Looking to the future, the company will continue to reinforce product competitiveness based on hardware leadership, by adopting cutting-edge technology and new form factors and gaining leadership in 5G. "
Samsung GALAXY S10 if Samsung GALAXY F vor fi lansate ambele abia in 2019, intre timp compania Samsung putand aduce pe piata alte modele de clasa medie, intermediare, insa niciun alt model premium. Samsung GALAXY F este anuntat ca fiind pregatit pentru prezentare in cadrul CES 2019 din ianuarie, in timp this Samsung GALAXY S10 artrebui sa fie prezentat in cadrul Mobile World Congress 2018, punerea in vanzare putand avea loc undeva prin martie.
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