
 Samsung GALAXY S10 PREMIERA Anuntata OFICIAL 350394

Samsung GALAXY S10 This program is designed to be compatible with Samsung's inceputul anului viitor, nula urmand smartphone model has o oo inerative in premiera pentru telefoane inteligente. Exactly May, Samsung computed anunat zilele trecute a new partnership cu ARM pentru has dezvolta procesoare this vor avea frecvente care depasesc 3 GHz, ele urmand a fi lansate the inceputul anului 2019, cand Samsung GALAXY S10 goes fiestasemenea lansat.

Samsung GALAXY S10 is going to have the opportunity to build Samsung if Qualcomm, iar parteneriatul in the Korean if ARM goes adoule noul chip Cortex A76 produs folosind a process of manufacture of 7nm. Depasirea barierei of 3 GHz pentru procesoare is an extreme step of important pe care Samsung if ARM he fac, iar Samsung GALAXY S10 ar puta oferi powerful surinzatoare, poate chiar superioare celor ale telefoanelor iPhone ale Apple.


Samsung GALAXY S10 urmeaza its aiba procesoare fabricate cu a process of production 7LPP, adica of 7nm, dar si cu a redus consumus of energy, deci existed without it so autonomia bateriei his fie imbunatatita simtitor. This is the intention of the Samsung to produce its chip-uri if folosind a process of 5LPE manufacturing, adica 5nm, insa acestea n vor ajunge in Samsung GALAXY S10 pentru ca deocamdata tehnologia necesara nu fost finalizata of korean koreani.


Samsung GALAXY S10 has put a "monstru" in the performance of the Daca goes avea intraday acest new procesor of 3 GHz, iar din punctul meu vedere, sansele ca acest lucru his intamp sunt foarte husband. Cei of the Samsung to the inceput its adopts strategiile Apple pentru productia of telefoane, iar asta incepe sa-i coste in ceea this deprived vanzarile, asa ca in Samsung GALAXY S10 trebuie its ofere noutati important pentru compensated pierderile in general profit of seria actuala de mobile telefoane.

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