Samsung GALAXY S10 are astazi prima nutate importanta confirmata of compania Samsung, coreenii facand an anunt care pune intro-lumina foarte buna viitorul model of telefon al coreenilor. Exactly, asiqi cei of the Samsung to the anuntat inceperea productiei unor tipi of the LPDDR4X pentru smartphone-uri, acestea fiind produse folosind a process of manufacture of 10nm, iar ele ar trebui sa ajunga in Samsung GALAXY S10 in 2019.
SAMSUNG GALAXY S10 is an extension of the inceputul the anului 2019 of various zvonuri aparute pana in prezent, iar acese noi modulus of RAM RAM DDR 4 vor ajunge in telefoane cu mult inaintea acestui punct. In aceasta idee, existed without foarte husband ca Samsung GALAXY S10 his foloseasca, may ales ca Samsung vrea his ceara 2000 of dolari pe telefon, deci este foarte sigur faptul ca el va avea if hardware of ultima generatie integrat of producator.
Samsung GALAXY S10: Prima Nutate IMPORTANTA Confirmata OFICIAL
Samsung GALAXY S10 will enjoy the performance of the Samsung Galaxy GALAXY S9 multumita acestor noi module of RAM memory, it is urmand pana 8 GB, suficient pentru a sustine performance of top. Implemented a new tip of memorii in Samsung GALAXY S10, sau poate chiar si in Samsung GALAXY X este confirmat de cetre vicepresedintele diviziei careproduct aceste memorii in cadrul companiei Samsung.
"The advent of 10nm-class mobile DRAM will enable significantly enhanced solutions for next-generation, mobile flagship devices that should first hit the market late this year or the first part of 2019. Compared to the mobile memory chips most commonly used in mobile flagship devices (1x-nm 16Gb LPDDR4X), the second-generation LPDDR4X DRAM features up to a 10 percent power reduction while maintaining the same data rate of 4,266 megabits per second (Mb / s). "
Samsung GALAXY S10 goes fi o serie de telefoane care va fi vanduta in nude may putin of 3 model, iar desi in toate pot fi included aceste noi module of memorie RAM DDR 4, doar unele dini e urmeaza sa aiba 8 GB. Pentru restul, cei of the Samsung vor folosi, cel mai probabil, module cu memorie mai putina, insa Samsung GALAXY S10 ca avea oricum parte of powerful mult mai bune, dar if of autonomy substantial crescuta, ceva this in cazul actualelor model naked prea intampla.
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