
 Samsung GALAXY S9 Devenit Samsung PROBLEMA 350083

Samsung GALAXY S9 has become o mare problema pentru compania Samsung, iar asta deoarece analistii spun din nue ca vanzarile slabe a telefonului vor duce o scadere a total vanzarilor ale companiei pentru T2 2018. Samsung GALAXY S9 are vanzari may mici decat Samsung Galaxy S8, conform analistilor, iar asta in ciuda faptului ca in luna aprilie acestea arfcrescut suficient of mult pentru to the intrece inclusiv pe cele ale iPhone X si iPhone 8, separat .

Samsung GALAXY S9 naked totusi the fel of cautat precum seria anterioara de telefoane ale companiei Samsung, iar asta va genera o noua scadere a vanzarilor of telefoane pentru coreeni, dupa this ele to the scazut if in T1 2018. Samsung has registered o scadere of 2% a telfeoane vanzarilor in Q1 2018 fata of Q1 2017, iar acum in Q2 2018 urmeaza its inregistry oa doua scadere a vanzarilor of telefoane din cauza performantelor slab ale Samsung GALA XY S9.

Samsung GALAXY S9 has Devenit o PROBLEMA MARE pentru Samsung

Samsung GALAXY S9 afecteaza inclusiv profitul coreenilor, iar asta desi el urmeaza its creasca usor, va fi cea mai mica crestere din ultimthe fiscal quarter, aproape o stagnare fata of quarterly anterioare. Practical, Samsung GALAXY S9 is proud of its capat de linie pentru cresterea in profit company Samsung, iar asta deoarece vanzarile of telefoane ale coreenilor to scazut already in T1 2018, if vor continua aceasta evolutie negativa inclusiv in T2 2018.

"Analysts expect Samsung's smartphone to drop in the April-June quarter, following a more than 2 percent drop in the previous quarter as consumers flock to cheaper models from Chinese rivals such as Xiaomi. Samsung's latest Galaxy S9 flagship phone, launched in mid-March. It is on track to sell less than its predecessor Galaxy S8 series sold in 2017 after its debut. "

Samsung GALAXY S9 has fost gandit ca a telefon care his genereze vanzari husband if his aduca noi clienti Samsung's compania, insa in realitate has succeeded in its ate ca mediocritatea invatata of the naked Apple functioneaza if the Korean. Samsung GALAXY S9 este o "ciorba reincalzita", cam asa cum a facut Apple in cateva randuri cu unele model ale iPhone, insa daca americanii to the success his convinga clientii sa-i cumpere produsele, iata ca Samsung naked acelasi succes.

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