Search results for APIA …


Update. Andrei Biriş, spokesman for the Emergency Situations Inspectorate, told that divers and firefighters were stopping searches around 9:00 pm

"Around 19:45, the last dive was made, but without success.Visibility was zero.It was a dive area.At 20:50 it was decided to stop looking.In the morning, the lake will have portions where the depth reaches a hundred meters, and divers are allowed to sink no more than 40 m.

UPDATE. A team of divers from the "Vasile Goldiş" Emergency Situations Inspectorate Arad County participates Sunday in search of director APIA Cluj, who fell into the water Saturday night while walking on Beliş-Fântânele Lake, according to Mayor George Plesca, spokesman from ISU Arad

According to the cited source, Aradic divers visited Cluj County, the night from Saturday to Sunday, at the request of the ISU Cluj

emergency number 112 received a call announcing that a boat was circling the reservoir Belis-Fântânele near the dam . On the surface of the lake there was research with a boat from the fire department Huedin, Salvamont-Salvaspeo and two other civilian boats

"On Sunday morning, Lake Belis-Fantanele became a team of divers of the ISU Arad to resume research, supported by two boats, including a research sonar and a SMURD first aid crew from the ISU of Cluj, and rescue teams from Salvaspe-Salvaspeo Public Service. Cluj,, told the press, Mayor George Plesca, according to Agerpres

The family was the one who alerted the authorities about the disappearance of the director of APIA from the boat with which he sailed the lake, and several things were found in the boat: the man, the cell phone, some clothes and the lifejacket.

"A call was received immediately after 22:00 that it is a bar that surrounds the lake near the Belis-Fântânele dam. The search for water was launched with a boat from Huedin Detachment, a Salvamont-Salvaspeo service and two civilian cars, unfortunately no results until this time. On Sunday morning, searches will resume with a team of Salvamont-Salvaspeo Service divers and adjacent inspectorates (the diving teams will dive to a very deep water depth of about 80m), Andrei Biriş, carries – ISU parcel for Cluj newspaper

Searches were made Saturday night to Sunday and resumed in the morning with a team of divers from ISU Arad. A Salvamont-Salvaspeo team arrived to support the research and crews of the ISU Cluj

. "There are also two ISU Cluj boats that support searches, one of which is equipped with a sonar, mapped the bottom of the lake, in the area where it would have been possible to." 39, to have fallen, the area is not known precisely, it was a call in which it was originally announced that there was a boat turning in Lake Belis, "said Andrei Sunday. Biriş of ISU Cluj for Agerpres

He explained that the mapping action of the area is necessary because, if there are depths of more than 40 meters, it is necessary to have a special team of specialized divers with special equipment. 19659002] "When the depths are less than 40 meters, searches continue, but it is necessary to know what are the specifications of the search area," said Biriş

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