Serban Pop, the former ANAF leader convicted in the Bica case, was arrested in Italy


The former head of ANAF Serban Pop, sentenced to 5 years in prison on the Alinei Bica case, was found Tuesday in Italy, and the state court would rule on the case. execution of the European arrest warrant issued in the name of and its surrender to Romania.

  Serban Pop, the former ANAF leader convicted in the Bica case, was arrested in Italy

Former leader of ANAF Şerban Pop has been arrested in Italy. It must be handed over to the Romanian authorities

The former head of ANAF Erban Pop was found Tuesday in Como, Milan, Italy, following an exchange of information. According to them, the European Arrest Warrant will continue to apply and the Italian court will decide on the execution of this warrant and the handing over of the former ANAF leader to Romania.

Şerban Pop is arrested and is at Como Penitentiary

The former leader of ANAF Şerban Pop sentenced to 5 years in prison in the case of Alina Bica, was given national and international prosecutions, the announcement being posted on the website of the Romanian police on Wednesday

The former head of the National Agency of Tax Administration (ANAF) no. was not found in June at home by the (19659005) Magistrates of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (HCCJ) dismiss the appeal filed by the former head of the National Agency of Tax Administration, Şerban Pop, and businessman Horia Simu, so that they remained with the initial sentences of five years in prison with execution on

Decisions were taken in the event that Alina Bica, the former head of DIICOT, was acquitted because she would have been bribed for the cause of the murder. businessman Horia Simu

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