Serious accusations launched by the footballer


Mesut Ozil announced his withdrawal from Germany with a long message filled with extremely serious charges.

The Arsenal midfielder testified in harsh terms to the attitude of the president of the German Football Federation, Reinhard Grindel.

Ozil begins his message of farewell with an explanation, that of the meeting he had with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The player claims that the photo taken with Erdogan had no political connection

"This photo had no political intention." My mother did not let me forget the Turkish roots, the Turkish heritage and the family. a photograph of President Erdogan was not related to politics and elections, but to the respect of the highest position in the state, "Ozil sent

The footballer then accuses several sponsors of the game. abandoning some charity actions after the photo with Erdogan becoming viral, the decisions of the companies being influenced by a real campaign in the press

Finally, Ozil touches the most delicate subject, that of his activity of football which was touched [19659003] Mijlcas says that immediately after the photo with Erdogan went public, the coach of the national Joachim Low asked him to interrupt his holidays for a meeting where the president of the federation, Reinhard Grindel, [19659007] It reveals that Grindel was also annoyed by a meeting he had with the President of Germany, to which the head of the Federation was not invited

Finally, after The Ozil World Cup claims that he was turned into a scapegoat for the failure of German nationality because of his Turkish origins

. "Grindel recently said that I should explain my actions and blame myself for the results of the World Cup.I do not want to be a scapegoat for his incompetence, because he's not able to do I know that he wanted me out of the team.I am German when the team wins, but I am an immigrant when we lose.

That's because i pay taxes in Germany, donate to german schools and win the World Cup with Germany, i am not accepted.I am treated as if i was different.I have won many prizes, but it is clear that I am not German … Are there any criteria to be German? My friends, Podolski and Klose, are never considered German-Polish, why are they I was raised and educated in Germany, why do not people agree that I am German? "said Ozil.

He concluded that he would no longer respond to the national team's conventions because he no longer wants to represent Germany. 19659003] At the age of 29, Mesut Ozil won the world title with Germany in 2014.


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