Sexually transmitted disease resistant to antibiotics. How can we prevent it?


Doctors warn that a new sexually transmitted disease resistant to antibiotics has occurred. Here is how it works and how we can prevent it.

Experts warn that without the necessary precautions, Mycoplasma genitalium would become one of the most prevalent diseases of its kind. Difficult to identify because there are no specific symptoms but at advanced stages, the infection manifests itself in different conditions, distinct in men and women, and the consequences can be very serious, as the Infertility, according to the truth.

"In the case of women, the disease causes inflammation in the reproductive organs, rarely it is painful and can cause fever or bleeding," said the specialists.

Men can cause pain due to inflammation of the urethra. unprotected sex and can only be avoided by using condoms. Worried, Mycoplasma genitalium is a bacterium that has developed resistance to antibiotics, which is why it can be difficult to treat.

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