SHOCK: The secret weapon built by North Korea during peace talks with the United States


North Korea appears to be working on the construction of a submarine capable of launching nuclear missiles, according to the information, according to South Korean sources,

Kim Hack-yong, a South Korean legislator who until recently held the presidency of the Legislative Defense Committee, told The Wall Street Journal that the North Korean regime was preparing to

The Pyongyang regime's movements, movements of workers and materials, were observed by the South Korean secret services.

This is the same port where last year the North Koreans built a submarine with

North Korea denounced Saturday the "greedy claims" of the United States and considers "extremely regrettable" "Their attitude at the end of talks with the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Pyongyang, reports international news agencies

" The attitude and US positions taken during the talks High level Friday and Saturday were extremely regrettable, "said the North Korean Foreign Ministry in a statement quoted by the South Korean news agency Yonhap.

According to the official North News Agency -Korean KCNA, Pyongyang said its decision "shut down" to abandon nuclear power programs could be shaken after the United States demanded unilateral denuclearization during the two days of negotiations.

Earlier, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the talks he was holding in Pyongyang on Saturday North Korean Kim Jong One was "productive".

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