Signatures of Dragnea and Maior on the protocol between Mr. Development and SRI. The reaction of the leader PSD


  Proof that Dragnea signed a secret protocol with SRI as Development Minister in 2014 "title =" Proof that Dragnea signed a secret protocol with SRI as Development Minister in 2014 "src =" https: / / / "style =" class = "responsive" />

<figcaption class= Proof that Dragnea signed a secret protocol with SRI as Development Minister in 2014

  Evidence that Dragnea signed a secret protocol with the SRI as Minister of Development in 2014

  Proving that Dragnea signed a secret protocol with the SRI as Minister of Development in 2014, Photo: [19659004] USR MP Lucian Viziteu posted on Facebook the page of the 2014 cooperation agreement between SRI and the Ministry of Development, stating that the document is signed by George Maior and Liviu Dragnea. On the page published by the Visitor, "undeclared" appears, the USR deputy declaring for that he had requested the document from the Ministry of Development, to which he had sent it. </p>
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Liviu Dragnea denied in a statement made by telephone by Antena 3 that the signature was his

"This protocol is not secret, the second thing is that I did not sign it, It's not my signature, it seems very simple.It is a protocol signed a few years ago for the cyber-protection of the Ministry of Development, "said Liviu Dragnea

" Protocol between MDRAP and SRI. "Signed Liviu Dragnea and George Maior There are others, so it is time to stop with the false propaganda of the parallel state, the PSD and ALDE deal with the economy and real problems of the Romans and not the situation of some convicts! ", is the message from Visiteu, which accompanies the image posted by Facebook.

Contacted by, deputy USR said that he had obtained the document following a request made to the Ministry of Development "I will publish tomorrow in its entirety," he said.

The Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Liviu Dragnea, said Tuesday that the protocol concluded between the IRS and the Ministry of the Attorney General, he refers to cybersecurity, and he only signed his review, noting that such protocols existed with all ministries.The leader of the PSD stated that the document is secret.

"First of all, we are talking about a protocol that refers to cybersecurity, namely the data protection used by the Ministry of Regional Development and the subordinate institutions, the protection of this data against cyber ttaques. but it's a kind of protocol that, as far as I know, ended with all the ministries, it was done before me, I just signed the review, but that does not mean that I do not I do not agree with what has been done before me, "said Dragnea in Parliament. [19659908] (19659012) (function (d, s, id) {19659008] He rejected all allegations against him regarding this protocol, stressing that it does not compare to the protocols signed between the SRI and the structures of Justice.
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