SiliconX will be the new technology that will increase the phone's autonomy five times


As we have come to rely more and more on smartphones, they have become stronger and more capable, and can now replace an entire computer with accessories like Samsung DeX. Unfortunately, their autonomy does not increase with more advanced capabilities, because lithium batteries are close to the technological limit. A team of Norwegian scientists said they have the solution to improve batteries, promising five times more autonomy.

A new battery development technology was discovered by a team of Norwegian researchers working in the field of nanotechnology. They already knew that silicon can offer greater autonomy, but the chemical process causes a swelling of the material and a much faster loss of maximum energy storage capacity. It seems, however, that a process that uses the old battery foundation, graphite, and a lower concentration of silicon. This seems to be the optimal solution to ensure both a large storage capacity that avoids the swelling of the batteries, writes go4it.

The technology called SiliconX and is already tested at Kjeller Innovation, which wants to bring it to the market. However, SiliconX batteries are not dedicated to smartphones. Although we would like to have weekly mobile devices, other industries such as electric vehicles could also benefit from the new technology.

Currently, many companies that offer electric vehicles provide less than 300 km of autonomy, only a few can boast more. Thanks to Silicon X technology, future electric cars could travel more than 1,000 km on a single charge. Thus, this type of vehicle could be more attractive to customers.

Until these batteries are available to manufacturers, we will see smaller improvements. We already have high-end smartphones that can offer about two days of normal use, and this value will increase slightly over the next few years. Only very expensive devices will benefit from new long-range batteries. Once the manufacturing process is up-to-date and our production costs reduced, we will benefit from SiliocnX (or other alternatives) on all mobile devices

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