Single Statement 2018. Today, it is the last statement of the Single Declaration of 2018. Today is the last


Tuesday, July 31 is the last day of submission of the single declaration of 2018. All Romanian residents domiciled in Romania and individuals who earn income abroad taxed in our country have the obligation to submit this statement. declaration.

Those who do not file the 2018 single return even this last day risk fines between 50 and 500 lei, according to the art. 336 (3) of the Code of Tax Procedure. The single declaration may also be submitted no later than Tuesday, 31 July 2018, in paper or electronic format. People who do not earn income and choose to pay their health insurance contribution are also required to submit the single return. Beginning in 2019, the single return will be filed online only in accordance with applicable tax legislation.

Single Return 2018, the last day of filing. Announcement from the Department of Public Finance

"Tuesday, July 31, 2018 is the last day that the Single Return can be submitted Individual taxpayers can submit the statement online via the application accessible at https address. : // with the user name and password of their Virtual Private Space account, a qualified digital certificate, or the e-portal The single declaration can also be filed in paper format directly from the ANAF tax office, or by post, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt " announced the Ministry of Public Finance in a press release. (Read and Ionuţ Mişa revolutionized ANAF: The Tax Revenue made record!)

Single Declaration 2018, the last day of filing. Fine up to 500 lei

"For the filing of the single declaration online until July 31, 2018, a 5% tax on income tax is granted for 2018 and paid in full until March 15, 2019. Bonus "

Failure to comply with the time limit set by law by the individuals of the single declaration is punishable by a fine of 50 lei to 500 lei. , in accordance with art. 336 (3) of the Code of Tax Procedure. (See Serban Pop, the former head of ANAF sentenced in the Bica case, arrested in Italy)

Who must file the 2018 single declaration

Declare 2018, the last day of filing? According to the decree of the National Agency of Tax Administration not. 888/2018 (ANAF), resident natural persons domiciled in Romania, and non-resident natural persons who meet the residence requirements of the Tax Code and who receive a foreign income subject to tax in Romania, must declare a a series of incomes, among which is also the income:

  • of the liberal professions – lawyers, physicians, architects, psychologists and other liberal professions
  • of the activities of production, trade and service delivery
  • of the renting houses, land, cars, etc.
  • from agricultural, fishery and forestry activities
  • those in the form of dividends and interest
  • of lots
  • of games of chance

Which pensioners are required to submit the 2018 single declaration to ANAF

Retirees who have earned income as an authorized individual (PFA) or as an independent person (P FI), those who receive Rental income, dividends or copyrights (but not by means of source agreements) are required to file a single statement at ANAF's headquarters or online. Any retiree who obtains such income must declare it, according to Retirees who are not subject to withholding tax are required to pay taxes. (Do not notice ANAF sells BMW and Mercedes cars for the Dacia Logan price)

Single statement. Confusion of the threshold of 22,800 lei

It seems that one thing that has been understood about the filing of this form is linked to a threshold of 22,800 lei, or 12 gross minimum wages. This threshold is taken into account, according to the Fiscal Code, to set the limit from which income recipients must pay social contributions to this income, according to the source cited. Those earning less than $ 22,800 a year do not have to CAS and CASS, but they can pay if they want it.

However, the threshold of 22,800 lei is unrelated to the obligation to complete and filed the single return 212. Therefore, any retiree who has earned last year and / or obtains an income in 2018 as stated above is required to file D212 with the fee until no later than July 16, 2018. (Read the list of shame published by ANSF could be removed from the site!)

How to file a 2018 single online statement

Those who want to file a single 2018 online statement can do so by using the intelligent electronic form available in the Virtual Private Area (VPS). The form automatically calculates the amount of taxes and contributions owed by individuals to the state budget and can be accessed on the ANAF portal in the "Virtual Private Area" section (, the Download the statements. The Virtual Private Virtual Space is provided free of charge by the Department of Public Finance, and registration is possible without having to move to ANAF counters, says Digi24


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