Siri laughs at Google Assistant in the latest IQ test of virtual assistants


When he started Siri the assistant impressed everyone, as far as he was alone in the market of virtual assistants. It was later submerged by Amazon Alexa and by Google Assistant and could not recover the gap. It's true that every year there are small improvements, but never enough. We now discover that there was a "IQ test" applied to Siri over Google Assistant and Apple's solution did not get any flattery scores [19659002] Voice Assistants ” src=”” style=”height:299px; width:580px”/>

Siri dates back to 2011, but was not imposed. The latest report of assistant / study / test relies on the co-production capabilities of Siri, Google Assistant, Alexa and Cortana but only on the smartphone, no smart speakers . The test showed that a Google Pixel XL with the Google solution included 800 questions from a team WolfVentures and Siri misunderstood 11 requirements on iOS 11.4. It has a 99% success rate, which is pretty impressive.

  Alexa </strong> and <strong> Cortana </strong> remained at 98%, with 13 and 19 misunderstood. It should be noted, however, that Alexa and Cortana are not so deeply embedded in an operating system as the other solutions above. It also includes support for third-party applications and optimization on mobile devices. As for the accuracy of the answers, Amazon has an accuracy rate of 61.4% and Cortana only 52.4%. </p>
<p>  Siri is 78.5% and Google Assistant 85.5%. It is impressive that Google's solution responds correctly and correctly to so many of the 800 questions asked: "local", "commerce", "navigation", "information" and all kinds of orders. With machine learning and artificial intelligence that continues to evolve, it's only a matter of time before it reaches 100%. </p>
<p>  Could Siri still keep up? Comparing also older versions, Google Assistant has grown by 11% over the last 15 months, Siri by 13% and Cortana by only 3%. Alexa is not given this guy in this study. Find all the analysis here </p>
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