Smart glasses that help you sleep can be a miracle


A company you've never heard of is trying to launch a revolutionary product on the market that has several years of research at NASA. Pegasi smart glasses want to help you sleep

A crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter generated $ 120,000 at the time of writing, but only $ 10,000 to turn it into a serial product. This is the last proof of the fact that many of us are facing serious sleep problems and quality of sleep at night.

In theory, there have always been several fireworks that you can call to make you sleep easier at night. The sleep industry is surprisingly prolific and was created only for this purpose. The advantage of Pegasi's smart glasses is that it facilitates the development of melatonin in a natural way. Thus, the sleep hormone is produced without the side effects that you must take if you opt for sleeping pills or other sleeping pills

From one point of view, that is the most advanced technological solution for the induction of sleep. To achieve his goal, he casts discreet lights around your eyes. So, you start using it in the evening during your usual activities, and when you go to bed, you will fall asleep.

Light is a shade of green over a certain bandwidth designed to stimulate the nervous system. The effect is to stabilize the amount of melatonin secreted in the body and ultimately improve sleep. The team responsible for the PEGASI II smart sleep glasses said that the entire product is based on a technology developed by NASA to improve the quality of sleep among astronauts.

On Kickstarter, the glasses cost $ 99 and production is expected to begin August this year. In other words, the glasses look pretty compact and you only need 7 days to see significant changes in the way you fall asleep

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