Sodium bicarbonate helps gardeners. How can it be used


Sodium icarbonate – one of the gardener's aides, which can be easily purchased in any grocery store . This product is used in so many areas that it must be included in the list of early products at the beginning of the gardening season or maybe even sooner! Because without sodium bicarbonate it is difficult to imagine a modern garden, it is convenient in any situation. If you grow in the vineyard do not forget to sprinkle it in the ripening period with a solution of bicarbonate. Here is the recipe:

  • Dissolve 75 g of sodium bicarbonate
  • in 10 l of water

This procedure will protect the grapes against gray mold and will also increase the sugar content of the beans. The same mixture is used to sprinkle all trees to control caterpillars.

Sodium bicarbonate is one of the most effective preparations in combat against maneu . Solution:

  • 1 teaspoon of dissolved bicarbonate
  • in 1l warm water

Can be used for prophylactic sprays cucumbers. (19659003) 1 teaspoon of aspartine,

  • 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid or liquid soap,
  • 1 teaspoon of oil

    • 1 teaspoon of oil
    • ] Mix all the components and add to 4.5l of water. If you water the cucumber with a solution of bicarbonate (1 tablespoon per 10l of water), you can prevent the incarnate premature leaves. In order to get rid of caterpillars, many gardeners sprinkle cabbage leaves with sodium bicarbonate


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