Sodium bicarbonate with lemon is the combination called the healing of God! Here's how to cook


Regarding the mixture sodium bicarbonate – lemon, the result of recent studies has shown beneficial effects on the body. These encouraging results mean that research continues.

For example, Dr. Marty Pagel of the University of Arizona, Cancer Center will test the effects of sodium bicarbonate on breast cancer patients. For this study, he receives $ 2 million from the National Institute for Health in America.

An important note is that any cancer treatment can go well for one patient and not work for another; Depending on the type of cancer, other treatments may result or not.

At the same time, is the general condition of the patient: does he have access to organic foods? Quality of drinking water? Does he all believe that he can overcome the disease?
Recipe for health and detoxification with lemon and sodium bicarbonate

Together, sodium bicarbonate and lemon help fight cancer cells and other diseases in the body, helping the body to find their own ability to restore balance and get rid of what has caused the disease since the beginning.

To include lemons in your diet is certainly a healthy habit and in this combination, it can be helpful to prevent and also helps to detoxify.
Mix half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in 250 ml. The water, with the juice of half a lemon. The fact that the organic lemon is ten times stronger

A person who used this mixture said in a forum: "I tried this mixture whenever I had the impression of Try a disease. "Read more at:

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