Son of magistrates in Craiova, who caused a fatal accident, detained


For television

  Accident committed by the son of a judge
<! – Accident committed by the son of a judge ->

The 16-year-old boy who stole one of his parents' cars, magistrates in Craiova, and caused a terrible traffic accident, spent the night behind bars.

He was detained Tuesday night for 24 hours. Hours and Wednesdays are about to arrive at the judges with a proposal for preventive arrest. His boyfriend, aged 18, died as a result of the impact and two teenagers in the same car were injured.

Drinking and without a license, the 16-year-old took a walk and walked together with his girlfriend and two friends. At the exit of Craiova, he did not control the car and overturned. The 18-year-old, who was sitting to his right, died on the spot.

Cosmin Grădinaru, spokesperson IPJ Dolj: " Following the alcohol test, an alcoholic strength of 0.48 mg / l of pure alcohol in the The young man would have taken the car out of the possession of one of his parents without their knowledge. "

The driver, who is the son of some magistrates, s'. escaped while the boys in the back seat were being transported to the hospital with multiple injuries

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The son of judges, drunk and without a license, caused a serious accident.

Cristina Geormăneanu, spokesperson SCJU Craiova: "Hemodinamic and respiratory, multiple abrasions in the cranio-cerebral, facial, thoracic, abdominal and limb levels."

The Teen , as the police say, took one of the family cars without the parents knowing anything. Craiova, and the father is delegated to the minor and young penitentiary in Craiova.

The grandmother of the grandmother: " How much education does he and me and my parents have?" It's good. "
Reporter : "Do you know that this entourage is to blame?"
Grandmother : He was detained for 24 hours, he did the same. subject to investigation for murder, bodily injury, but also for driving a car without a license and under the influence of alcohol. install ProTV news for Android phones and iPhone FREE

  Accident by Judge's son
<! – Accident committed by the son of a judge ->

Seymour Hersh, Pulitzer Prize Winner

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