St. Elias 2018. Traditions and Superstitions of Saint Elijah


Saint Elias is honored by Christians as a rain plunderer after his prayer saved the people of Israel from death after three and a half years of drought, but also as a popular deity of the sun and fire , attested through many traditions and customs

St. Elijah lived with more than eight hundred years before the incarnation of the Savior, in the time of King Ahab, in the Kingdom of Israel in Samaria. According to tradition, Sovac saw, at the birth of Elijah, people dressed in white robes who wounded his son in fire gear and gave him a flame.

The priests of the Temple of Jerusalem interpreted the vision as Elijah. chosen by God for his prophetic ministry

In his earthly life, Elijah also committed sins, the greatest being the killing of his parents at the request of the devil. God forgave him, passed him among the saints, and ascended to heaven in a wheelchair with wheels of fire drawn by winged white horses.

Where St Elias Rode

St. John Chrysostom claims that Elijah was dressed by God in the garment of the angel. Saint Maximus the Confessor declares: "God has shown in ancient times the magnificence of miracles and signs, and used a way of life different from that of the body subject to the corruption of the blessed Elijah and Enoch, not by transforming the flesh. but changing direction. and his advice. These statements would make us talk about his presence in the world of angels.

St. Elias brings the rain and shakes the demons

St. Elias being known as the one who brought his prayer to drown on the people of Israel and then the rain that saved people from death, came to be honest and the one who brings the rain. According to, in a liturgy service at the time of the drought, we meet a demand in which the intercession of St. Elijah for the rain is read: "For our prayers to be well received, and as Elijah, let us (19659002) In heaven, Saint Elias scours the clouds, thunderstruck and shakes the devils with his whip of fire, to punish them for the harm he's done they caused. And because the demons Frightened are hidden on the ground by trees, under the roof of houses, in church churches, and even in the bodies of some animals, St Elijah is severe, so that none of them will can escape

On the eve of the day of the celebration of St. Elijah, the girls went to the fields in the hemp-seeded fields, stripped naked, stripped and rolled across the crop, then s & # 39; They dressed and went home, and if, on the night of Saint-Elie, they dreamed of Green haven, that was the sign that they would marry young and handsome young boys. If in the dream they saw dry hemp, it was said that they were going to marry old people.

According to tradition, the morning of St. Elijah, plants to heal, especially basil, were sown in the attic bridges. or in the dormitories. And all Saint Elias, the plants used for spells and charms were collected.

The women brought basil to the church to be sanctified, after which they returned it to their homes, burned it and the ashes that resulted used it for therapeutic purposes, when their children were blowing into their homes. stuffy.

What not to do with St. Elijah

  • tells people that devils hide more in the spell, so this wood is not used in the home and it's not easy. is good (19659017) If there is a thunderstorm on Saint Elijah's day, neither the doors nor the windows of the houses will open, lest a hideous demon n? escapes the fury of the Saint
  • In some parts of Moldova, new wheat, honey and honey are eaten. If the wheat was not thrown until the eve of this holiday, the women put on their clothes and sow sheaves of wheat, then wave their grains, sift the wheat and boil it to consume honey.
  • The regions eat fresh fruits to be healthy all year ahead. Apples are not eaten until they are taken to the church. It is said that the one who bites the apple before being sanctified will have no apple until after death and, when he will want to touch them, they will go away. The holy apples will become gold in the other world.
  • Single girls go secretly into the hemp fields and ride naked through the dew. If they eat green hemp, they will marry young boys and they dream of dry hemp, they will marry an elderly person.
  • This morning, healing herbs, especially basil, are harvested and dried in the bridges of houses, under the roofs or in cellars.
  • It is believed that, if Tonânie tonic, all hazelnuts will be sown, and the fruit of orchards will have worms
  • this day does not work out of fear of damage (
  • As a sunny and meteorological deity, Saint Elijah causes thunder, lightning, torrential rains and hail. (19659002) The feast of the prophet Ilie the Tesvitan is also the Romanian Aviation Day, this saint being considered, since 1913, the protector and patron of the The first female airman in Romania died at the age of 91. Ruxanda Agache-Mihes landed forcefully 17 times without anything I like the flight, but the flight also loved me

    130,000 Romanians celebrate the birthday of their Saint Elijah

    Of the 130,000 Romanians celebrated by St. Elias, more than 110,000 are men and more than 15,000 are women. Romanians, more than 100,000, are named Elijah, 3,300 others – Iliu ta and 2 100 – Lica Among the women who will celebrate their birthday Wednesday, 14 750 are Ilinca, 830 – Eliana and 90 – Ilia. See here the messages, St. Elias. What wishes and SMS send to the party.

    Read: EXCLUSIVE / The ghost of Gaşca Zurli turned into a princess.

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