St. Mironite, with the Apostles, Maria Madgalena; Saint Martyr Marcello


The Holy Mary Magdalene, which the Church is celebrating today, was originally from Magdala, a fishing village on the west shore of Lake Ghenizaret and was contemporary with the Holy Apostles. Mary was healed and seven unclean spirits were removed from Jesus Christ. After this miracle, Mary Magdalene chose to follow Christ for the rest of her life. Mary was present at the crucifixion of the Savior, and was the first to learn from the angel of the Lord that Jesus Christ was risen from the dead.

According to tradition, Mary Magdalene prophesied Christ in Rome, the eternal city to be converted to the emperor Tiberius himself. He came to the great city of Ephesus to help St. John the evangelist involved in the proclamation of the Gospel. It is said that at his death, Mary Magdalene was buried in the cave where the seven-hundred-year-old church slept every year on August 4. And the legends of Mary Magdalene, the same with the Apostles, lasted for centuries.

Remarkable is the fact that the scroll with the left hand of the Miracle Saint Mary Magdalene is at the monastery "Simonos Petra" at Mount Athos, 19659004] [ad_2]
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