Stoltenberg: Seven European countries of NATO will allocate 2% of GDP to defense in 2018 / Of these, Romania – Essential


Seven European NATO countries, including Romania, will spend 2% of their GDP on defense in 2018, the Alliance Secretary-General said on Tuesday, a figure unlikely to be satisfied. US President Donald Trump on the eve of the summit of the North Atlantic organization, writes AFP.

"The United States spends much more than any other country to defend itself," said the US president on Tuesday before heading to Europe. "This is not fair to the American taxpayer," he said.

"Burden-sharing is not fair," acknowledged NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg. "I will not be surprised that the subject of defense spending gives rise to a vigorous discussion among the Allies," he said.

The 29 members of NATO have pledged to allocate 2% of GDP to defense in 2024. have already reached this level – the United States, the United Kingdom, Greece and the United States. Estonia – and four others – Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Romania – will do so by the end of the year, assured Jens Stoltenberg

in 2025. In 2018, level is forecast at 1.81%. But 15 countries, including Germany, are below 1.4% of GDP

"Allies must not increase their spending to please Americans, but because it is in their interest" he said. Stoltenberg. "It's necessary because we live in an unpredictable world," he added.

Germany spends only 1.24% of GDP on defense in 2018. "I intend to do more," said Jens Stoltenberg. 19659003] Analysts say Germany will double defense spending between 2017 and 2024.

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