Stop ignoring these symptoms! Can be CANCER


  Stop ignoring these symptoms! CANCER

Stop ignoring these symptoms! Can be CANCER

Due to the ignorance of the symptoms, many Romanians come to a doctor with advanced cancers that significantly reduce their chances of survival.

Fever, fatigue, sudden loss of abdominal weight, bloating, abdominal pain, and persistent coughing during long-term periods can "betray" many types of cancer.

Specialists highlight symptoms that should not be neglected by women and men

1. Fatigue

In the first symptoms ignored is fatigue because it is not a specific sign of cancer. "Fatigue is a symptom associated with cancer of all types and usually occurs because of the resulting anemia," says Dr. Serb Negru, quoted by

2. Weight Loss

Unexplainable weakness without physical exercise or diet can be a sign that the thyroid is very active. "If you do not change your diet and your lifestyle, but you lose weight, it means that no matter what type, the cancer is already installed," says Dr. Serban Negru.

3. Persistent cough [19659005] Cough can also announce the presence of cancer.It usually occurs in case of colds, flu or allergy.An extended cough (lasting longer than a month) should only It can be caused by the irritation produced by a malignant tumor, but it can also be a sign of a non-cancerous lung disease.

That is why specialists recommend to Go to the doctor for an examination of the neck, lungs and smokers may also need an x-ray

4. Fever

People who have fever without being infected with the flu or another infection should take control.

In patients with cancer, fever occurs especially after the disease has spread to the body, but can also be an early sign of leukemia or lymphoma.

"Fever is a symptom that appears quite infrequently, and it is usually associated with superinfection for any type of cancer," says the oncologist. Bloating and abdominal pain

Bloating may be accompanied by abdominal and pelvic pain, satiety and urinary problems. "

" Pain is a symptom commonly associated with cancer. Attention, all cancers are not lacking and it is possible to go too late, when the disease is already in metastasis or at an advanced stage, "stresses the seriousness of the situation with Dr. Şerban Negru

6. Indigestion

If indigestion is not a good reason, it can be considered as an alarm signal.

"This symptom occurs mainly in digestive cancers and can manifest itself very varied.Dysphagia (you can not swallow) to esophageal cancer, feeling of satiety, constipation, diarrhea, bleeding associated with the chair, "explains the oncologist.

Back pain

When the pancreatic duct is blocked by a tumor, the acid produced by the pancreas to help the process of digestion returns and destroys the pancreas.This can cause abdominal pain that often radiates

To distinguish a back pain from a tumor caused by a pancreatic tumor, consider that the second type is intense, persistent and does not respond to treatment With anti-inflammatory In addition, back pain caused by a pancreatic tumor cause another symptom: the chair loses its brown color, darkens (like clay) and urine becomes dark.

Oz you recommend leaning forward to distinguish between two types of back pain. (19659027) (function (d, s, id) {19659027] {function (d, s, id) {
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