Street harassment, including psychological harassment, will be punished with a fine of up to 10,000 lei


Concrete, in the art. Section 6 (1) is added:

"Any harassment, sexual harassment or psychological harassment defined in this Act, both in public and in private, is prohibited."

"He was contravened and punished by a fine fine of 3000 lei to 10,000 lei (initially, the maximum fine was 100,000 lei, as it is now in effect – no) if the face did not not been committed under conditions which, according to criminal law, are to be considered as an offense, the violation of the provisions of Article 6 (1), (2) and (4) and Article 7 (2); article 8, article 9, paragraph 1, article 10, paragraphs 1 to 4, 29 (the article on harassment stipulated in the draft has been added in practice) "

The findings and sanctions are made by: Labor Inspection, National Council against Discrimination, to which, according to the draft, will be added: "Ministry of the Interior, through the officers and agents ii Romanian police officers and NCOs the Romanian gendarmerie, police and border police rouma in the area of ​​jurisdiction and the local police, in violation of the violation of art.

"Harassment" means the situation in which an undesirable behavior related to the sex of the person occurs, the object or effect of which is the violation of the dignity of the person and the creation of an intimidating, hostile, degrading environment. humiliating or offensive; Sexual harassment means the occurrence of an unwanted conduct of a sexual nature, expressed physically, verbally or otherwise, the object or effect of which is to impair the dignity of a person and, in particular, the creating hostility, hostile, Degradation, humiliation or insult

Psychological harassment means any inappropriate behavior that occurs at a time, is repetitive or systematic and involves physical behavior, oral or written language, acts or other intentional acts that could affect a person's personality, dignity or physical or psychological integrity. "

The project received 214 votes in favor, 8 against and 4 abstentions and will be promulgated

" Harassment in public spaces, also known as street harassment, affects a very large number of girls and of women in Romania. Thus, eight in ten women say they do not feel safe when they go out on the street at night and four in ten do not feel safe during the day. Seven out of ten women do not expect anyone else if they are harassed on the street. At the present time, there is no sanctioning framework for harassment, sexual harassment or psychological harassment other than that provided by the criminal law. In the case of facts whose public morality can not be proven (punishable by Law 61/1991) or in the case of acts not related to the professional activity, the victims of harassment are not protected by any legal provision. Practically, harassment, sexual harassment and psychological harassment, other than those provided for in the criminal law and carried out outside of professional relations, are in no way punished ", explains the explanatory memorandum signed by the independent deputy Oana Bizgan

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