Students 10 at the 2018 baccalaureate. They took the maximum mark on all the samples


See all results of Bacalaureat 2018

The Ministry of National Education (MEN) has published on Wednesday, July 4 the results of nearly 136,800,000 students at the baccalaureate 2018. Also today between 12:00 and 18:00. 16:00, calls may be dropped, which will be settled from 5 to 8 July.

At Bacalaureat 2018, only 104 pupils in the country obtained the average 10, including 17 students from Bucharest

Andra Tofan, Suceava's only student to have obtained 10 in the 2018 baccalaureate. He was responsible for the promotion at the college. "Petru Rares" and wants to leave for England

In Suceava County, the only average of 10 in Bacalaureat 2018 was obtained by Andra Tofan of the College "Petru Rareş"

The Suceava's maiden was the head of the promotion and obtained the highest grade in all Baccalaureate exams. Andra has big plans because he wants to study at Queen Mary University in London

  Andra Tofan is among the 10th bachelor students. 104 young people took the maximum score on the examination

photo source: Facebook

According to, Andra Tofan was an undergraduate student in mathematics – computer science and supported the "Maturita Exam" at Romanian, Mathematics and Physics.

Andra Tofan achieved remarkable results at the Olympic Games in German, qualifying himself on the national stage of the competition. (19659004) Ioana Iris Roatiş got the only average of 10 in Satu Mare County

Graduate of the National College "Mihai Eminescu" "From Satu Mare, where he was at the head of the promotion, Ioana Iris Roatiş got the general average 10 in Bacalaureat, the only one in Satu Mare County

  Ioana Iris Roatiş is one of the 10 students of Bacalaureat 104 young people took the maximum grade for the exam

photo source: Facebook [19659009IrisRoatişhasanimpressiverecord:TheyoungwomanfromSatuMarewonprizesfromeightnationalOlympicsandwonseveralnationalandinternationalsportsdancecompetitions

After, Ioana Lazăr was ranked second, also from the National College "Mihai Eminescu". "With the average of 9.93. Media 9.93 was also obtained by two other students, Ramona Andreea Paul, from Negresti-Oaş High School, and Antonia Annamaria Varga, from Doamna Stanca National College in Satu Mare

Diana Dehelean, the only student from Timisoara who took 10 online at Bacalaureat 2018

Diana Dehelean earned the highest grade at all tests held at Bacalaureat 2018. The young woman got the only average of 10 in Timis County, according to statistics from the Ministry of Health. Education. Dehelean is among the 10th undergraduate student. 104 young people got the maximum score on the exam "max-width =" 620 "height =" 455 "srcset =" -dehelean-timisoara-10-bacalaureat-620×455.jpg 620w, 840w "sizes =" (max-width: 620px) 100vw, 620px "/>

Source of the photo: Facebook

Diana earned the highest mark for Romanian language and literature, German language, mathematics and art. She graduated from the Nikolaus Lenau Theoretical High School in Timişoara

At the same time, another 400 students in Timiş County obtained averages ranging from 9.00 to 9.99

The promotion rate in the canton of Timiş at Bacalaureat 2018 is 63.61

Students from the Canton of Cluj who took 10 on the line at the baccalaureate 2018

Three students earned the general average 10 at Bacalaureat in the county In Cluj, where a promotion rate of 81.14% was recorded [19659003] Two students graduating from high schools in Cluj obtained the 10th bac to Bac while the third average of 10 was obtained by a student of Turda.

Iulia Andreea Dragan learned that he had obtained the 10 average Bacalaureat at Turda. The girl was promoted to the National College "Mihai Viteazul".

  Iulia Andreea Dragan is one of ten Bacalaureat students. 104 young people took the maximum mark on the examination

Iulia Andreea Dragan
photo source: Facebook

Iulia Andreea Drăgan took note 10 in Romanian language and literature, mathematics and anatomy

Andrada- Ioana Damian -Buda and Maria Otilia Drugan are students of Cluj-Napoca, who are marked with 10 on the line at Bac

  Maria-Otilia Drugan is one of the 10 students of Bacalaureat.

Andrada-Ioana Damian-Buda graduated from the Nicolae Balcescu High School and obtained the 10th year in Romanian language and literature. Mathematics and Organic Chemistry

Maria-Otilia Drugan, from the Onisifor Ghibu High School, also took 10 at Bacalaureat. She attended the exam on topics of Romanian language and literature, mathematics and anatomy

Five students of Bistriţa were able to get 10 to the 2018 baccalaureate exam

Data from the Ministry of Education show that in the county of Bistriţa-Năsăud 10th year at the 2018 baccalaureate.

According to, the tenth baccalaureate students of Bistrita-Nasaud County are:

  • Corina Mirela Coman, student of the national college "Andrei Muresanu" in Bistrita [19659040] Andrada Scurtu, student at the National School Liviu Rebreanu of Bistrita
  • Ana-Maria Bugnariu, student at the High School Radu Petrescu of Prundu Birgau
  • Maria Albu, student at Radu Petrescu Lyceum of Prundu
  • Eliza Adela Mureşan, pupil of Petru Rareş National College of Beclean

The five young women managed to obtain the maximum score for each sample

According to donations born of, the rate of promotion to Bacalaureat 2018 in the county of Bistrita-Nasaud was 69.22%

The highest promotion rate is that of counties of Cluj (81), 14 %), Iasi (80.27%) and Braila (77.13%)

Bucharest has a rate of 72.8%

Read and Romania which has reduced wages of 20%, including his own. How the decision


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