Study: New clothes must be washed before first use – Medium


The health agency announced Wednesday an opinion on the "dangers" present in new clothes that can trigger allergies and skin irritations, according to Le Monde.

Any clothing that comes in contact with the skin or washed before being worn for the first time, underlines the opinion of the National Food Safety Agency, of the environment and work (ANSES) on the risks of allergies and skin irritations due to textiles.

The report accompanies a series of recommendations aimed at "better protecting consumers from the risk of allergy and skin irritation". If an allergy or irritation occurs after the purchase of shoes or clothing, you should consult an allergist doctor or dermatologist to identify any responsible substance, adds the ANSES substances expert.

ANSES conducts a study that will last until October with physicians (dermato-allergists, toxicologists) and patients to identify the irritants involved. The first phase of this study took place between January and September 2017, with the participation of about thirty adult patients.

In some cases, it was possible to identify chemicals found in articles that produce these symptoms, such as benzidine, chromium 6 and nickel, notes ANSES. Apparently, about twenty families of chemicals were found and analyzed in clothing and fifty in shoes.

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