Study. People most likely to be bitten by ticks


Ticks are attracted to a certain blood group, says a new study in the Czech Republic. As a result, people with this type of blood are also at higher risk of getting Lyme disease.

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Researchers at Masaryk University in the Czech Republic have performed several laboratory tests. They put more blood samples from all groups in a sterile bowl and, for two minutes, monitored the ticks' reactions. In a proportion of 36%, they preferred the blood group A.

The group B is less attractive to them and only 15% are bent there.

Specialists will now make further studies to explain them. Ticks especially prefer this group and how we can avoid contacting them.

Estimates indicate that about 17 percent of ticks are infected with Borrelia, which can cause Lyme disease, a condition that can put our lives at risk. danger. The blood group A is the most common in our country

Ticks are parasites carrying bacteria that feed on blood and spread especially in areas rich in vegetation, writes Agerpres.

In laboratory tests, researchers from Masaryk University in the Czech Republic took small blood samples from groups A, B, AB and 0 on a sterile surface where a common tick, Ixodes ricinus, then placed. Scientists monitored his movements for two minutes

Results showed that 36% of ticks preferred blood group A, while 15% of parasites approached group B.

The study shows that the Blood group could be one of the determinants for food preferences of Ixodes ricinus ticks, "notes Alena Zakovska, researcher at the university.

The information obtained on the potential preference of ticks for certain groups blood can be used to reduce the risk of tick bites, "adds the specialist.

For this association to be confirmed and to determine with whether these arachnids prefer a particular blood group, To further these studies, scientists pointed out in the Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Review

Ticks usually have a flat oval body the size of a sesame seed but after being fed with blood, they can reach the size and shape of a coffee bean.

These arachnids seek hosts (19659010) An estimated 17% of ticks are infected by a bacterium – Borrelia – that can cause Lyme disease, a condition characterized by fever, headache and a circular eruption around the bite.



Lyme disease

blood group

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