STUDY // To consume a large quantity of coffee could lead to an extension of life


A new study found that by drinking coffee, even more than eight cups a day, the risk of death decreases by 10 years. But experts said the results of the study are a combination of coffee consumption and longevity, not a consequence.

In the study, Loftfield and his team analyzed about 500,000 people who participated in the British Biobank study. According to Live Science, in total, the specialists analyzed the health information of more than nine million people.

In the Biobank study, participants were asked how many cups of coffee consumed daily, including decaffeinated coffee. They were also asked about general health, education, whether they are smokers or consume ordinary alcohol. In addition, the researchers took DNA samples from the subjects.

During a 10-year follow-up, approximately 14,000 people died, among the leading causes being cancer, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

The researchers found that the higher the daily coffee consumption, the more participants were likely to die during the study. "Whereas there were people who consume decaffeinated coffee but who had results similar to those who consume normal coffee, we can say that not only is caffeine responsible for these positive effects," Loftfield said. .

When analyzing the genetic evidence of the participants, the specialists discovered four genetic variations associated with the metabolism of caffeine. Although previously thought that possession of these genes is associated with increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease, the correlation has not been found in the recent study, says Loftfield.


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