Study: Women who work for at least 45 hours …


According to a Canadian study cited by Reuters, women who work at least 45 hours a week are at increased risk of contracting diabetes, one of the reasons being stress

. at least 35 years old in the Ontario region for 12 years. None of these people had diabetes at the beginning of the study or in their first two years, writes

About 8% of women and 12% of men developed diabetes at the end of the study period. The Iranian military commander tells Trump that Iran is ready to face the United States: Maybe you will start the war but we will end it. " READ AND An Iranian military commander told Trump that Iran is ready to face the US: Maybe you will start the war, but we will finish it

The number of hours worked does not seem to influence the risk of diabetes in men who worked at least 45 hours a week were 63% more likely to develop diabetes than women who worked 35 to 40 hours.

"Our study did not allow us to explain the difference, "said lead author Gilbert-Ouimet, a researcher at the Toronto Institute of Work and Health." However, it is plausible that women work longer hours taking into account their responsibilities, who also has them at home in the family With regard to men, those who work longer hours tend to have more physical activity jobs than women, their sense of identity through work is more important and their occupations are better paid and more qualified. Gilbert-Ouimet has shown that the number of hours worked by women at work and at home makes them more susceptible to chronic stress, inflammation and orthoimmune changes that may contribute to the onset diabetes, say researchers

Worldwide, nearly one in ten adults had diabetes in 2014 and this disease will become the seventh leading cause of death for the World Health Organization. by 2030.

Most of these people suffer from type 2 diabetes associated with obesity and aging occurs when the body can not or can not produce enough insulin for to turn blood glucose into energy If it's not treated, diabetes can affect the nerves and lead to amputation, blindness, heart disease and stroke

Doctors have long recommended the exercise , weight loss and a healthy diet. control blood pressure and minimize the complications of diabetes. Reducing stress is also recommended because, whether or not it is caused by work, stress can worsen diabetes by directly contributing to an increase in blood sugar or an unhealthy lifestyle that can lead to complications.

. Work-related stress and the high number of hours worked with an increased risk of diabetes, but most of these studies were focused on men, note the authors of the study.

The researchers examined the data on paid and unpaid work in the study and took into account other factors that could independently influence the risk of diabetes, including lifestyle and living conditions. chronic conditions.

One of the limitations of the results is that the researchers evaluated the work once, and changes over time may influence the risk of diabetes, the author acknowledged

Even so, the findings add to the evidence that associates the high number of hours worked with diabetes, said Dr. Rita Hamad, a researcher at the University of California, San Francisco, who has not been involved in the study. study

"People who work longer hours have less time to take care of themselves by eating healthy and exercising. They can also be more stressed and sleep less, and all of this could increase the likelihood of diabetes, "Hamad said.

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