Summit of tensions in Brussels. NATO leaders fought for money. What Romania had


US President Donald Trump said at the end of the NATO summit in Brussels that all NATO countries were in agreement to increase defense allowances. When asked if he was threatening the US exit from NATO, Trump denied it. "I told them I would be very unhappy if I did not significantly improve my commitments," said the US president. The US president said that he would probably withdraw the United States from NATO, but this is no longer necessary.

Trump said that NATO members agreed to continue their efforts to achieve at least 2% of the GDP of military spending. at a faster pace than in the current schedule – from here to 2024. "After reaching the 2% goal, we will start discussing the increase of this threshold," he said. , indicating that "4% is the right number". Despite Trump's optimism, French President Emmanuel Macron said his country would reach 20% in 2024, decided by NATO in 2014, to devote 2% of GDP to defense spending. France now devotes 1.8% of GDP to defense.

The US President's statements are the result of extremely tense discussions with other allies, meeting in a limited format yesterday morning. Before the meeting, Donald Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel had a new exchange of views on budget allocations.

The presidents tried unsuccessfully to convince Germany and other rich nations of NATO to pay more for their protection against Russia. They only pay a fraction of this cost. The United States is paying tens of billions of dollars and is at a loss. In addition, Germany has begun to pay to Russia, the country it wants to protect, billions of dollars for energy. This is unacceptable! All NATO countries must allocate 2% to the defense, and this figure will reach 4% in the coming years, "wrote yesterday the US president on Twitter

In these circumstances, it is decided to resume the meeting of the North Atlantic Council, but in a limited form, of the 29 Member States, 1 + 1 (Head of State and Ambassador), invited partner countries are invited to leave the room. Following these tense discussions, Donald Trump canceled all of his bilateral meetings, including that planned with President Klaus Iohannis.

A total of 15 Member States – Germany, France, Canada, Italy, Belgium and Spain – below A threshold of 1.4% in 2018. "For Romania, advertising is simple. We are at 2%, we do not need to reach this level, "says Klaus Iohannis.

NATO Command in Romania

Klaus Iohannis details the discussions of the special session on funds. "Do you know that in 2014 it was decided that in principle by 2024, national defense spending would be 2% of GDP for each country.Now, the results are very different and we are quite a long way from 2014. Romania has reached 2%, the United States is around 4% of defense spending, but there are also countries with only 1% for defense ", explained the head of state. "We have come to some optimistic conclusions: several allies who are far from 2% have promised to spend for the defense, it has been discussed, but without making a decision, let's go ahead and probably at the next summits we will have an approach trying to go above allocations of 2%, "said Iohannis. President Klaus Iohannis argued that there was no conflict in NATO or the danger of dismantling the Atlantic Alliance, and US President Donald Trump was not not aggressive at the top of Brussels but "said things by name". 19659002] The President said that Romania had two very important things at the NATO summit in Brussels, namely an operational command center and the improvement of the status of the multinational brigade. "As early as 2016 at the top of Warsaw, we tried to strengthen the eastern flank, we did it with the others on the eastern flank.This year, in this attempt to strengthen our presence on the eastern flank, we have two very important things: a three-star command center – an operational command center, between the lowest tactical level and the highest strategic strategy.We obtained an operational command center, an important center, we think we will have About 400 NATO leaders.We have upgraded the status of the multinational brigade we created, which has acquired a permanent status, "said the head of state at NATO HQ .

According to the President, a third important result is that the NATO session was organized at the initiative of Romania, namely the one devoted to the Black Sea, in which Georgia participated and the Ukraine

More presence in Afghanistan

President Klaus Iohannis announced after the NATO summit that Romania would increase its military presence in Afghanistan

"We engaged for the first time at CSAT and today we move to allies the number of personnel in Afghanistan is increasing compared to what we currently have – 770 and some people, especially military – more than 950 the next year, who will also be military, gendarmes and civilian personnel.This is happening under the conditions that we have understood for a long time and we are convinced that NATO is not only about ensuring security but also about ensuring safety, being a factor in the region where we are, "said Iohannis.

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