Supreme Court Judges Protest Reform of Justice


The magistrate and head of the Supreme Court, Malgorzata Gersdorf, on Tuesday expressed his opposition to political power, refusing to retire, as demanded by conservatives of the ruling majority Justice and Justice [PIS] [19659002] The conflict between the majority of Supreme Court judges, 27 of whom risk being removed from office, and political power is in a wider scandal between Warsaw and the European Commission on judicial remands to name of greater efficiency of justice [19659002] These reforms are also perceived by their opponents as violating the principle of the separation of powers in the state for the benefit of the political power.

Also expressing a critical position towards them, the European Commission launched on Monday an urgent infringement procedure. against Warsaw. This could lead to referral to the EU Court of Justice and financial penalties.

In Warsaw, Malgorzata Gersdorf was received Tuesday by the head of state. President Andrzej Duda, without sending him a document officially informing him of the performance of his duties, implicitly reported it, announcing that a Supreme Court judge, Joze Iwulski, would ensure the acting head of the institution, pending the election of a

The success of the theater was then done, Gersdorf announcing that she appointed him the same judge , not as his successor, but as successor "during his absence". She later stated that she was planning to take time off.

With humor, she told reporters, after meeting Duda, that she had understood a point, informing him that Iwulski was indeed "a good judge," writes Agerpres

Experts questioned by the Polish press felt that Gersdorf had done well. She appointed a replacement in accordance with her vision of the reform, which she refused, considering it partly unconstitutional.

Although the decision of President Duda seems less clear: in fact, Iwulski is 66 years old. he should be retired from office and not appointed to head the Supreme Court.

He asked the head of state to continue his activity, as permitted by law, but he did so relying on Constitution and the principle of irremovability judges and not in accordance with the procedure provided for by the reform signed by the head of state

Opposition groups urged residents of Warsaw to come to the Supreme Court on Wednesday morning to support competitors [19659002] 5,000 people gathered at the seat of the Supreme Court to boost the presidency of this institution.

Gersdorf came to thank them and he received applause when he reaffirmed that he would remain in power by 2020, according to his six-year term in the Constitution.

PIS leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski, considered the main Polish decision-maker behind the government and the conservative party, said on Tuesday that the judges' challenge will end "in the long run with a disastrous defeat".

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