Surprisingly, Trump is more effective in NATO than Putin. The case of Montenegro


The most powerful military alliance in the world has been an internal enemy for nearly two years. This is other than the American President Donald Trump who has taken the habit of showing skepticism with regard to the principle "all for one and everyone for all" after the end of the day. important article 5, attacking certain members who did not contribute with sufficient funds, but also by minimizing the strategic role and the importance of certain states of the alliance

The meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland, will enter into history by offering diplomats and journalists a standard and an opportunity to study how, for the first time in modern history, a Russian autocrat has manipulated a president elected to the world, the most powerful democracy in the world.

"Today, Russia and the United States face a new set of challenges, including a dangerous imbalance of mechanisms to maintain international security and stability, regional crises, terrorist threats and criminals transnational issues, economic relations issues, environmental risks and other challenges.

We can only deal with them if we come together and work together, and hope that we reach this agreement with our American partners, "Vladimir Putin said. Monday in Helsinki

Donald Trump is a weak president, still supported by 41.8% of Americans. However, his performance at the joint press conference held at the presidential palace in Helsinki provoked amazement and rebellion even within the party that holds the majority of seats in the US Congress

. clarify the statements in Helsinki on our information system and (link to – Putin. This is the worst mistake of his presidency and must be corrected immediately. " wrote on Twitter Newt Gingrich one of the most influential supporters of Donald Trump, an emblematic figure of the Republican Party

In an interview with Fox News, the day of the meeting with Vladimir Putin and broadcast the next day, Tuesday, Donald Trump made a new negative reference to NATO, questioning the relevance of Article 5, which guarantees the common defense of Member States in the face of

Tucker Carlson, Fox News: "Let's say that Montenegro, which joined NATO last year, it was attacked. Why would my son need to go to Montenegro and fight for this country?

Donald Trump, President of the United States: "I understand exactly what you mean. I asked the same question. Montenegro is a small country with a strong people. There are very aggressive people. They can become aggressive and, congratulations, we are in World War III – I understand that this has been arranged.

The Republic of Montenegro, formerly part of Yugoslavia, becomes independent in 2006 and joins NATO in 2017, being an important strategic point for the alliance in the Balkans – Fot: Google Earth

For an American viewer, the supporter of Donald Trump, is a natural dialogue and a normal concern. have been in the recent history of Kuwait's attack by Iraq in 1990, when NATO member states sent troops, forming a coalition of 35 countries that fought the invasion of a neighboring state, Iraq, In 2001, after the terrorist attacks of the World Trade Center, "small states" like Romania and Bulgaria sent troops to Afghanistan and Iraq even though they were not yet members of NATO, but they were starting accession negotiations. also micutelo soldiers The NATO member states have died on all fronts of the fight against terrorism, even if they were not directly targeted by terrorist attacks.

"It's an honor to have the opportunity to see the military work together in this joint exercise. The last time I saw you was in Afghanistan. This is a great benefit for both countries (USA and Romania – To meet, "said US Vice President Joe Biden in 2014 during a US military drill. American

From this point of view, Donald Trump's continual attack on NATO is free and toxic because "the friend" Vladimir Putin, whose objective strategic is to break the solidarity within the European Union and NATO, serves it succeeds with the help of Donald Trump.

"It's the responsibility of the two countries (for the deterioration of relations between the two states – I think America was bad. I think we were all stupid. We should have had this dialogue a long time ago; honestly, before becoming president. And I think we are all guilty. I think that the United States has now made progress in relations with Russia, we meet and have the chance to do wonderful things, "said Donald Trump, accusing his country of ruining relations with Vladimir Putin, a strategic country. for NATO

Moreover, this discussion of Montenegro is by no means random in the light of Putin's attempt not to lose his influence in Europe.

Montenegro is a country with 650,000 inhabitants and arriving at the Adriatic Sea, part of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, after the dissolution of Yugoslavia in 1990, remains with Serbia until in 2006, when, as a result of referendum, declared independence

Russia had a strong influence of the small state, especially at the time when it was umbilical in Serbia

Vladimir Putin did everything to block the & 90 [[[[[[accessionofMontenegrototheOTANandfinallysetupacouponthedayoftheparliamentaryelectionsonOctober162016tostoppro-EuropeantrainingtheMontenegrinDemocraticSocialistPartycomingtopower

The coup d'etat state involving more than 500 crooks, including many Russian citizens, aimed at assassinating the prime minister, altering the outcome of the elections, and blocking NATO's accession to the small state of the Balkans.

The plot was thwarted by the forces of the Ministry of the Interior, in the first phase being arrested 20 people.

Montenegro joined NATO in 2017, being the 29th member of the alliance, one with an extremely important strategic role. Russia loses its influence on the Adriatic Sea, which is 100% controlled by Allied forces.

In the security architecture of Europe, the Adriatic Sea is a real success under the control of NATO.

By way of comparison, the Black Sea is a region in which the strategic alliance achieves strategic balance, and Vladimir Putin, by invading the Crimean peninsula, has an important ascendancy, the "

" is the context in which Donald Trump opens the discussion on Montenegro and suggests that US soldiers should not "defend" this country

L & # 39; operation started Macedonia, which is surprisingly similar to Montenegro

A similar scenario is taking place these days near Montenegro, in Macedonia, another former republic, part of Yugoslavia which declared its independence in 1991. [19659003] Street protests in Skopje, Macedonia, where some citizens oppose the name change to stop the diplomatic conflict with Greece – Photo: ]

Macedonia is a state of two million inhabitants with its capital in Skopje, which since independence is in permanent diplomatic conflict with Greece, bordering the south, because of its name

Athens claimed that the name "Macedonia "belongs to the Greek province of the north of the country and does not recognize an independent state using the same name. Due to the opposition of Greece, Macedonia was for two decades a politically and economically isolated state with no prospects for development

With the election of May 2017 by Zorav Zaev, the leader of the training Progressive Social Democratic Union of Macedonia, enjoying strong popular support, decided to take the first steps for the integration of the state in NATO and for the start of accession negotiations with the European Union. To succeed, he needed an agreement with Greece on the name.

Zorav Zaev and Alexei Tsipras sign a month ago a document according to which the two Prime Ministers agree that the name of the future state is the Republic. North Macedonia, followed in the autumn by a referendum, Macedonians accepting the new name or not.

"There is no way to return Our choice (Zorav Zaev and Alexei Tsipras – the compromise is a descriptive and accurate name, this name is honorable and geographically accurate – the Republic of Macedonia ", said the Prime Minister of the Republic at the end of negotiations with the Greek Prime Minister a month ago

.The influence of a new state and a territory in Europe likely to be part of the Atlantic Alliance activated the whole system of reactions of Russian representatives in Macedonia, Greece and Cyprus

Greek oligarchs are suspected (19459004)

"The Project Organized Crime Monitoring Bureau and the Office of the Prosecutor for International Criminal Investigation Corruption Acts, OCCRP, said Monday that its Macedonian reporters have seen documents from the Interior Ministry of Skopje, according to which Savvidi allegedly paid about 300 . 000 euros for the Macedonian protesters against the joint declaration with Greece on the change of name of the republic. has helped unblock the country's accession to the EU and NATO, "reads Balkan Insight, a Russian businessman who is based in Greece and owns the company. PAOK Thessaloniki football team coached by Razvan Lucescu

Montenegro's recipe has already begun to be applied in Macedonia, where confrontation is at the beginning.

Trump's attempt to downplay the importance of the small state p a reverse logic only shows that the US president has a program for foreign policy that is surprisingly very similar to that of Vladimir Putin regarding the deterioration of the state of affairs. NATO and the European Union that Donald Trump has just called the "enemy" of the United States

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