Surprisingly! What job did Meghan Markle have before becoming an actress?


It seems that Meghan Markle has been endowed with a special gift. The Duchess of Sussex has a beautiful writing, so she decided to take advantage of this talent. So before he knew his soulmate and entered his fairy world, even before he became a known actress of thousands of admirers, before even dreaming of 39; appearing on small screens, Meghan Markle had a part-time job in the Paper Source store, where she took up calligraphy.

The Duchess had the habit of writing wedding invitations or invitations to events, according to People. Between 2004 and 2004, the former actress also wrapped gifts, and bound books, at the Paper Source shop in Beverly Hills. Meghan did not keep this gift for her, but she had under her wing a group of calligraphy lovers to whom she taught this form of art. "It was her part time job as she went to auditions." He taught calligraphy and followed a two-hour course for shoppers, teaching them calligraphy, "said Winnie Park, director of Paper Source, for the above-mentioned source.

In addition to the calligraphy work at Paper Source, Meghan also worked alone, writing the invitations for the wedding of Robin Thicke and Paula Patton in 2005.

"I think the handwritten notes are a lost art. The idea that someone takes the time to put a pen on a paper is very special, "said Sussex Duchess on his personal blog, some time ago.

Meghan Markle's Artistic Skills were appreciated by his former head, describing his activity using only words of praise. "He is a person who really loves the creative aspects of work, who likes to help people and who likes to give life to special projects. ", adds Winnie Park.

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