Suspicions of espionage at an aerospace institute in Russia


Russian intelligence services on Friday searched the main Russian-based research institute following suspicions of espionage by some of its employees in favor of Western intelligence agencies, according to Russian daily Kommersant AFP quoted [19659002] "This morning, the FSB searched the offices of the Central Institute for Scientific Research in Mechanical Engineering (TsNIImach), which is part of the Russian Space Agency (Roskosmos), reported the newspaper quoting Police sources: 19659002] Excavations are conducted as part of a "high treason" investigation, with the FSB suspecting a dozen "Russian space workers" of "cooperating with Western intelligence services," according to sources quoted as saying. Kommersant believes that these employees "knowingly transmitted to the secret intelligence services secret classified information on

The spokesman of Roskosmos, Vladimir Oustimenko, confirmed

The contacts of AFP, Roskosmos and TsNIImach were not available for comment. "The director of the space agency, Dmitry Rogozin, ordered our security services to offer the maximum assistance to the police," he told the newspaper

while the Russian President Vladimir Putin hailed the beginning of March. the new "invincible" weapons, hypersonic or submarine plans, developed by his country, recall the AFP

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