Tariceanu, on the suspension of Iohannis: "If it respects the Constitution, it should not be the first concern"


  Calin Popescu Tariceanu
<! – Calin Popescu Tariceanu ->

Senate Speaker and ALDE leader Calin Popescu Tariceanu said Thursday that if President Klaus Iohannis complies with the Constitution, his suspension is no longer necessary

"Both that the president will respect the Constitution, he will let things evolve normal in this effort to remove the misery to the surface, the misery signifying all the components of the parallel state, I do not know if the suspension must always be the first There must be a strong political and constitutional reason, "Tariceanu said Thursday evening at Antena 3, the News.ro

.The Senate leader also argued that the fight with" parallel state " should continue.

"But I think that these steps must continue, we can not assume that if Coldea was fired, if Kovesi was dismissed, he was resolved." On the other hand, the leader of the PSD, Liviu Dragnea, said Wednesday evening at the same TV channel that "the subject of the suspension of President Iohannis is firmly open."

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" The subject of the suspension of President Iohannis is firmly open, because only the fact that he signed the decree of dismissal of Ms. Kovesi does not mean that this was the only reason to suspend. For 7-8 months, the president, who should be the president of all Romanians and who mediates between the powers of the state and who coagulates the powers of the state and the positive energies around him , constantly blocks the activity of Parliament by contesting, retesting, the resentment of the very important and necessary laws that were to come into force for a long time, blocks the activity of the government, threatens the government, threatens the Prime Minister, takes part in demonstrations against the government, incites the overthrow of the constitutional order, incites the world to go out into the streets in protests, sends presidential advisers to threaten or intimidate a CFR judge and is a long list of constitutional violations that are still in the face of President Iohannis, " Liviu Dragnea said.

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  Calin Popescu Tariceanu
<! – Calin Popescu Tariceanu ->

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