Tax amnesty adopted by Moldovan deputies, criticized by the US, the EU and the IMF


The US Embassy was extremely disappointed with the passing of a law that will reduce Moldova's ability to combat money laundering. "The law on voluntary reporting and fiscal stimulus (also called the law on capital amnesty) legitimizes theft and corruption and will harm the business climate of the Republic of Moldova." "We consider that this law is in contradiction with the commitments that the government of the Republic of Moldova has made and this opinion is shared by the international development partners of Moldova Moldovan citizens have already suffered the consequences of major financial crimes. Criticism should be punished and not rewarded, the people of Moldova deserve more, "said a diplomatic mission posted on Facebook

and Peter Michalko, head of the EU delegation in Moldova, said that" the legislation adopted, hastily and unpredictably, if implemented, could lead to a breach of EU commitments under the Association Agreement and would be in contradiction with the reforms aimed at strengthening the rule of law, fighting corruption, laundering the fight against organized crime and improving the business climate. we expect the Moldovan authorities to stop the process of adopting this legislation and bring it into line with international standards, "says Peter Michalko

Permanent Representative of the International Monetary Fund in Moldova Volodymyr Tulin states that" preliminary opinion According to IMF experts, the recently approved legislative package on fiscal change and fiscal amnesty is not in line with the objectives of the IMF-supported program. The measures adopted will increase the regressive nature of the tax system, reduce the degree of tax compliance and expose the tax and tax system to significant risks. IMF experts are currently analyzing the implications of all the measures adopted on the basis of the information they receive, "said a statement from the Permanent Representation of the IMF in Moldova.

President Andrian Candu said that the projects included in the tax reform are for the sake of the citizens, as this will increase people's income. "These documents provide for tax cuts, increased exemptions, more commercial facilities, voluntary declaration of goods. and the introduction of undeclared assets in the white economy. All these changes are long overdue by citizens and the business environment, "said Candu, quoted by Moldpres.

Under the new legislation, they will not be able to benefit from the voluntary declaration of officials "held public office after 2009: Presidents, deputies, prime ministers, governor and vice-governor of the MNB, ministers, judges, prosecutors, directors and assistants of the Intelligence and Security Service, National Anti-Corruption Center , State Customs Tax Service, National Bank of Moldova, National Energy Regulatory Agency, National Agency for the Regulation of Electronic Communications and Information Technology, Anti-Money Laundering Service. money, etc., all fraudulent bank executives and those who have benefited from fraudulent credit, including from Investpriv banks atb ank, the Savings Bank, the Social Bank and Unibank, the individuals who were the subject of an investigation in relation to the fraudulent banks, "writes Ziarul de Garda

The people who voluntarily declare their income will benefit from a guarantee from the part of the public authorities, which does not allow the continuation of the non-payment of taxes, taxes of other payments to the national public budget, State social insurance contributions, etc., and the property declared voluntarily can not be subject

Another aspect is the fiscal stimulus, which is the cancellation of sums reflected in the system of evidence of the National Tax Service, the Customs Service, the National Social Insurance Chamber, including in the system of special cases, to the late State budget and the fines related to the state budget, to the state's social insurance budget e t to the funds unpaid medical insurance unpaid on the date of entry into force of this Act provided that taxes, duties, other payments relating to the state budget, the social security budget of the 39 State and compulsory insurance funds be paid until 20 December 2016 medical.

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