Teodorovici wants to move the tax into the former seat of Intact. "We do not take it as much as the DNA has said"


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The Minister of Finance has announced that by the end of the year ANAF will move into the confiscated building following the conviction of Dan Voiculescu

The tax will be transferred by the end of the year of the year to the old Intact television channel in the region Băneasa, which is now state, said Tuesday the Minister of Public Finance Eugen Teodorovici on public television

"The old headquarters Antena will be bought back by the end of this year because we are going to move out today, the head office is now owned by the state, and we will certainly get it. not as much as the DNA said (60 million euros.) ANAF made an estimate of 11 million euros in 2015. It's a big difference says DNA and the other way around. assessment of the tax, "said Teodorovici, asked if he intends to take advantage of the Băneasa building of 60 million & # 39; euros charged to the prejudice of Voiculescu

. intends to sell the premises that have been in the possession of the state, as they can save "maybe a million euros a month" rent paid on different areas of Bucharest Tax.

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"I have no reason to do so because we were looking for spaces. (…) The DNA says such sums that it sounds good, and the difference is a very big difference between what ANAF does as an evaluation and what the l & # 39; DNA says in each case.The market does not get what we say.I said an estimate of 11 million euros in 2015, but now maybe the situation But we pay a lot of rents in different areas of taxation across Bucharest, and then you can make a big monthly savings, maybe a million euros a month. year, we move ANAF into the tower building.There is also a headquarters in Victoria Square, where the state has also taken possession, so we will move a local structure of an area because it makes no sense to pay unjustified rents, to walk between cars, as you already have a headquarters. In addition, we want to build a computer center for which the computerization equipment of the ANAF system that everyone expects to produce must be placed somewhere, "said the Minister of Finance.

He was asked if there was a lot or building that the state has on hold with the value established by DNA in relation to the market value, the chief financial officer replied, "I I do not have such a situation, but I can put my hand in the fire. "19659004] ANAF notified in February 2016 that Intact TV stations are leaving the headquarters of Bucharest-Ploiesti, the decision being made in the context where the Bucharest appeal court has definitely sentenced the Intact trust to ten years in prison in August 2014, Dan Voiculescu, in the case of the privatization of the Food Research Institute, to recover the total damage to this case, which is about 6 0 million euros, the court ordered the confiscation of several buildings, including Intact television

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