Terrible accident in Bihor! Four suspects were hit by a car on the sidewalk


Four sisters, aged 8 to 20, from Sălard, Bihor, arrived at the hospital Saturday, victims of an unconscious driver. The girls were on the sidewalk, in front of the traffic police, when a 20-year-old man who lost control of the car because of the excessive speed hit them.

The four girls were seriously injured. They were dragged under the car a few meters away and released by the rescue teams. They were rushed to hospital, SMURD teams and ambulance crews, writes ebihoreanul.ro

The most injured is a 12-year-old girl whose doctors were forced to amputate his throat. Her 20-year-old sister suffered from minor brain injury and chest contusion, the 8-year-old girl suffered from cranio-cerebral trauma, cranial trauma, facial and sores, and his fourth fourteen …, has minor cranio-cerebral trauma with abrasions. The accident occurred around 12:20 pm. The girls were walking quietly on the sidewalk when they were broken by the driver of a Ford Galaxy registered in Poland.

According to Alin Gherman, chief of the police office of Oradea Road, the driver drives to Emanuil Gojdu Square from Cantemir to Calea Clujului. "In the curve to the right, near the giraffe, he did not adapt the speed to a wet road, walked on the sidewalk, where he hit a full group of four people. Impact, the serious injuries of the four victims resulted, "said Gherman.

Having the speed too high in the curve, the driver could not control the vehicle by hitting the girls, then a road marker and a few meters, between the cars parked in front of the headquarters of the traffic police.

The impact was so violent that a 12-year-old girl with an open fracture to the bones of her legs remained motionless on the sidewalk, under the terrified eyes of witnesses, and her other two siblings – 20 years and 8 years – were captive under the car, led by rescue teams. In addition, the colorful backpacks worn by the girls in the back and their shoes were scattered, and there were traces of blood on the cobblestones.

The driver was taken away by the cops

Valid conduct. At the age of 20, he is a Roma of Roma origin and was not injured as a result of the impact. In fact, soon after the accident, dozens of Gypsies appeared around the police station. But when more police sprouted the area, the Gypsies dispersed discreetly. The driver, however, was taken to the traffic police, so as not to provoke violent reactions from witnesses who witnessed the accident. "It is better to die", a woman who saw the impact shouted and told BIHOREAN that the scene was terrible

Their brother, victim of another serious accident

The four girls live with their parents in biorhyan village Salard. At the scene of the accident, they came to see their parents who, among the tears, wondered why such a tragedy should take place. "They were dust, the poor among them," said a woman, a relative of her four sisters, who had arrived at the scene of the accident while rescuers were giving first aid.

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