Terrible accident in Iasi! A TIR has entered a car! Balance of the victims


A particularly serious accident happened Monday afternoon in Iasi near the center of Providenţa. A TIR hits a car

The first news published by journalists in Iskandria show that one person died instantly after the impact. This is the driver of the Skoda car. The passenger in the car remained incarcerated, firefighters making efforts to get him out of the car, according to bzi.ro.

It seems that the TIR driver who entered the meter is apparently responsible for the accident. The TIR left the end of the CUG and a car in front of the behemoth suddenly reported the left, trying to get into Alley Tudor Neculai. The driver of the trailer did not have time to brake and pulled the steering wheel, entering the counter and clashing with Skoda's lawyer.

The TIR leader admitted that he had gone into the counter but said that he had done so to avoid a machine that was simply coming from the front

Several SMURD crews, traffic police officers and an SAJ ambulance moved to the scene of the accident

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