The 12 rules that help you prevent cancer


<img alt = "It's one of the most scary diseases, but the way we feed ourselves is of crucial importance." Specialists are of the opinion that these rules help prevent cancer

Although there have been countless studies in this direction, it can not be said that a certain food or another could work miracles, preventing cancer. But by combining several foods that contain protective substances, it seems that the effect becomes stronger on the body, giving it protection and preventing the onset of inflammation.

According to the American Cancer Research Institute, one of the most important rules we can follow is to fill three quarters of the plate with vegetables and herbs, leaving only one-quarter of the plate for animal proteins.

On the basis of this rule, specialists have formulated some of the most important advice we can take into account to protect our bodies against serious diseases.

See the 12 rules that help prevent cancer:

1. Cancer and a variety of colors in the plate

Fruits and vegetables of different colors contain the most powerful nutrients with an anticancer role. So, a first rule that you must keep in mind to prevent cancer is to always have as many fruits and vegetables in the dish as different colors. These are foods that must predominate in your diet, being consumed both in the raw state and prepared in a very simple manner.

In addition to the anti-cancer substances that they bring, all these foods are the ones that help you maintain a normal body weight. Kilograms increase the risk of cancer of the colon, esophagus and kidneys, experts of the medical publication

Therefore, it consumes a large amount of green herbs of all kinds, greens, reds, purples and oranges.

2. Best breakfast that can help prevent cancer

Folic acid is an extremely important vitamin that protects the body against cancer of the colon, breast and rectum. Whole grains are among the best sources of folate and can be eaten at breakfast. Orchards, watermelons and strawberries are other good sources of folic acid that you can combine for breakfast with an ounce of porridge.

Eggs, asparagus, broccoli, legumes, raw sunflower seeds and green leafy vegetables are other excellent sources of folic acid and can include them as well at breakfast than at other main meals.

3. Sausages and smoked products should be consumed only from time to time

Many studies have found that daily smoked meats and sausages increase the risk of colorectal and gastric cancer. If you eat them occasionally, they will not hurt you. However, when they are eaten daily, they bring an exaggerated amount of salt and additives used to preserve them. Many of these additives have been shown to be dangerous to health.

4. Tomatoes help you prevent cancer

Although it is not known exactly if lycopene or another tomato substance provides protection against cancer, studies have clearly shown that tomatoes reduce the risk of malignancies, particularly in the prostate. Plus, it seems that by cooking tomatoes, the anticancer effect is stronger.

5. Green tea helps prevent cancer

Although further studies are needed in this area, it seems that specialists have discovered that green tea contains substances that help prevent cancer. Research in the lab has shown that green tea slows or prevents cancer of the colon, liver and skin.

In addition, several other studies have associated the consumption of green tea with a lower risk of developing cancer in the bladder, stomach and pancreas.

6. Grapes and their anticancer effect

Black grapes and cold-pressed grape juice contain resveratrol, an antioxidant known for its anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effect. In laboratory research, resveratrol has been shown to protect cells from dangerous changes. However, these studies are not enough to say for sure that grapes, grape juice or red wine actually prevent or treat cancer.

7. Limit alcohol consumption to reduce the risk of cancer

Cancer of the mouth, esophagus, liver, larynx and breast was associated with alcohol consumption. All alcohol consumed in large amounts increases the risk of colon and rectal cancer. Therefore, the best solution is to stop consuming alcohol or not consuming it every day.

8. Water consumption reduces the risk of cancer

Daily drinking water and herbal teas protect the bladder against cancer. When you consume enough fluids daily, the water will dilute the concentration of certain substances with carcinogenic potential that form in the bladder. The more water you consume, the more frequent the urination process is and these dangerous substances are quickly eliminated without prolonged contact with the bladder wall.

9. Legumes help you prevent cancer

Beans, chickpeas, leeks and peas contain strong substances that protect cells against changes that can lead to cancer. In laboratory research, experts have found that these legumes have the ability to slow the development of malignant tumors and prevent the release of certain hazardous substances that affect healthy cells near a tumor.

10. Crucifixes help prevent cancer

Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and kale are some of the healthiest foods you need to eat regularly. All contain compounds that have been shown to protect against cancer of the colon, breast, lung and cervix.

All vegetables (spinach, fennel, parsley, dill, green lettuce) provide fiber, folic acid and carotenoids to protect the body from cancers of the mouth, pancreas, lung, lung Stomach and skin.

11. Turmeric provides protection against cancer

Curcumin contains curcumin, a substance that has a strong anticancer effect. Laboratory research has shown that curcumin inhibits the transformation, multiplication and spread of cancer cells.

12. Strawberries and raspberries help prevent cancer

Both contain elagic acid, an antioxidant with a strong anti-cancer effect. It has been shown that elagic acid reverses the harmful effect of certain substances and slows down the development of cancer cells.

Also include blueberries on the list of healthy fruits that you must eat regularly. They have a high content of antioxidants that fight cancer, preventing the action of free radicals before they cause cell damage.


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