The $ 5 billion fine for Google


The European Commission fined Google a fine of 4.34 billion euros ($ 5 billion) after the company aggressively promoted its apps on users' smartphones

. the dominance of cemented search engines, "said EU Commissioner Margrethe Vestager. "They have not allowed European consumers to benefit from fair competition in mobile phones," he added.

According to the Commission, Google violated the law by asking smartphone makers to install Google Search and Chrome apps. A condition to offer the Google Play Store, says CNN.

EC adds that Google has paid certain manufacturers and network operators to install their applications in handsets before the sale of the terminals. It also prevented manufacturers from selling devices running other versions of its Android operating system

Google is now obliged to stop these practices within 90 days, otherwise it will face additional sanctions

– Brought by European and American rivals – have been the subject of this survey since 2015. According to the Commission, about 80% of smartphones in Europe and in the world run Android

EU regulators have a much broader approach

Last year, Google was fined 2.4 billion euros (2.8 billion dollars) and 2 , 4 billion euros) because it gives priority to its commercial services at the expense of competitors in the search engine. Apple, Amazon and Facebook have also been sanctioned by European regulators

The Commission could have imposed a fine on Google with up to 10% of annual worldwide Alphabet sales, which exceeded $ 110 billion in 2017.

Despite these allegations, Google argued that its practices did not reduce consumer choice

Following Newspapers com and Facebook!

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