The age of retirement is reduced by 13 years: what categories benefit


An amendment to the Pension Act, which reduces the contribution period and normal retirement age to 13 years, was passed by the Chamber of Deputies, leading to the promulgation President Klaus Iohannis.

The amendment to the Law No. 263/2010 on the Unitary Pension Scheme stipulates that "for persons having completed a contribution period of at least 25 years in activities in conditions d & # 39; 39: special uses (civil aviation, iron and steel industry, underground, radiological risk, maritime and river transport units, drilling of oil and gas wells, etc.) 1, 2 and 3 of Law No 263/2010, the normal age reduction of 13 years of retirement and the declaration for the calculation of the pension for a contribution period of 25 years. "

Similarly, the amendment a contribution of 30 to 25 years for artistic staff having attained at least 20 years of age in their respective jobs (Annex 4). (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return = n = 25% will also benefit from the reduction of the contribution period to 25 years, f.fbq = function () { n.callMethod?
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