The alarming message sent by North Korea after Mike Pompeo's visit to Pyongyang


Rodong Sinmun

  Kim Jong One and North Korean Generals
<! – Kim Jong One and the North Korean Generals ->

North Korea denounced Saturday the "greedy demands" of the United States and considers "extremely regrettable" their attitude at the end of the talks with the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Pyongyang, reports agencies of international press. The attitude of the United States and the positions taken during the high-level negotiations on Friday and Saturday were extremely regrettable, "said the North Korean Foreign Ministry in a statement quoted by the South news agency. -Korean Yonhap

According to the official North Korean news agency KCNA, Pyongyang said its "firm" decision to resign from nuclear programs could be shaken after the United States demanded unilateral denuclearization for the two-day negotiations.

The delegation led by the head of the American diplomacy was "extremely problematic", said the KNCA, accusing the United States of insisting on a complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization

"The fastest way to reach a Korean peninsula without nuclear weapons was to adopt a gradual approach whereby the d they parties would act at the same time, "said KCNA, citing a carrier.

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The US Secretary of State travels to North Korea to obtain a "complete denuclearization"

Earlier, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that the talks who had them Friday in Pyongyang with the right hand of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un were "productive".

The two days of talks were aimed at establishing a concrete plan for denuclearization. and North Korean Generals ” class=”img-responsive img-responsive article-picture”/>
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Seymour Hersh, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist

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