The artificial intelligence does not allow Windows to install updates or restart your PC while we work


The way Windows has handled the installation of the update has been one of the most important sources of frustration for PC users over the years

The installation of these while the user is working or playing becomes a problem not only because it is necessary to restart the computer but also because the system becomes harder during the installation updates

To solve this problem, Microsoft is using artificial intelligence

Dona Sarkar versions responsible, Windows Beta, says that Windows 10 will be able to understand and choose the best time for install system updates

Windows 10 will use a predictive model that through a mechanical learning process accurately predict when the updates can be installed and restart your PC.

So far, a general, intelligent Artist will change this procedure based on the individual characteristics of each PC and each individual user.

The AI ​​will learn the behavior and habits of the user and will know when he will visit PC to take his lunch, taking advantage of time to install the updates and restart the computer [19659003] This feature has already been tested internally by Microsoft, with representatives of the company saying that the results are more than promising

Today, IA is delivered to registered users on Insider beta test program for Windows 10, and will most likely be widely available on the next major update for Windows 10.

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