The artificial ovary, hope for women who may become infertile


Danish researchers have extracted parts of an ovary and modified them to be translated when a woman wants to conceive a child. Experts say the discovery is "exciting", but tests are still needed on humans, writes the BBC.

Cancer treatments can lead to infertility and damage the ovaries. One way that women can make sure that they can conceive a baby is to preserve the ovarian tissue for a future transplant. During the procedure, an ovary is removed and frozen for later use, which is the only fertility preservation treatment available for girls who have not yet started ovulation

Taking into account from this, scientists have extracted ovarian follicles and ovarian tissue from patients who have undergone cancer treatments. Then they removed the cancer cells, leaving behind the protein and collagen tissue.

Subsequently, the researchers managed to develop ovarian follicles based on pure ovarian tissue and transported the result into an ovarian mouse.

In addition, women who have had ovarian cancer and who have damaged tissue after treatment may also begin to menstruate again.

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