The boss blamed him for not doing his job, and she stabbed him


An employee of a wire factory in Orastie, Hunedoara County, is heard at the police headquarters after stabbing the head of the department who accused him of not performing his duties . Police filed a criminal record for attempted murder

According to representatives of the Hunedoara County Police Inspectorate, the incident occurred on Thursday morning in a wiring factory in Orastie

"Police in the city of Orastie, informed that an employee of a 49-year-old company was working in the workplace, due to misunderstanding about her inability to perform her duties to stabbed with a knife the section head of the same economic society, a 38-year-old man.The victim was taken to hospital for medical treatment, "said IPJ Hunedoara

the source cited, the injured man would have a stab wound in the left hemisphere

The attacker is heard by the police, and in this case, a criminal case was filed for attempted of murder.




attempted murder

Chief Injured Committed

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