The camera with nine cameras could become a reality


Phones with two and three main cameras are already on the market, but we could also have a smartphone with nine of these cameras.

Light is the company that created the L16 camera some time ago. 16 built-in camera systems in a design small enough to fit in your pocket. They can also enter the mobile phone market and experiment with several prototypes with five to nine main cameras.

According to Light, the camera system can create photos up to 64 megapixels and behaves as an example in low light conditions, but also when it comes to creating depth in the images.

The transition to mobile phones seems like a good idea for Light. The L16 camera had some software problems, but more importantly, there was not much to buy when you could play a good phone instead. There is no point in remembering the $ 2,000 price of the gadget.

Light has the ability to manufacture its own phone with a multi-camera system or take advantage of technology licensing to an existing manufacturer. However, they are very likely to have more success than what they have already been available on the market.

In addition, the emergence of such a phone on the market would lead to increasing stakes in the best smartphones. , with dual or dual camera systems. After the P20 Pro entered three rooms and said the V40 would have five rooms, the appearance of a nine camera camera would be a real event, especially during this period.

We should not expect much, because Light would be ready to announce such a phone this year

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