The Commemoration of the Archangel of Gavriil


St. Archangel Gavriil is mentioned on March 26, in the aftermath of the Annunciation, November 8, date of the feast of Holy Archangels Michael and Gavriil, and on July 13, when all the miracles of St. Archangel Gabriel are commemorated . The festival of July 13 goes back to the 9th century. Saint Archangel Gavriil is the Archangel of the Good Anniversaries. He was chosen and sent by God to the Virgin Mary to announce the great mystery of the incarnation of the Lord. He brought the news of the Conception of the Mother of God to Joachim and Ana. He proclaimed in the temple of Saint Zechariah that his wife was going to give birth to Saint John the Baptist. St. Archangel Gavriil first pronounced the name of Jesus. He gave the name of Saint John the Baptist. He proclaimed to the shepherds the birth of Christ, and was the first to sing: "Glory to God on earth and peace among good people!" (Luke 2:14). St. Archangel Gabriel discovered the mysteries of the Incarnation to the Magi. He reassured Joseph when he wanted to leave the Virgin Mary. He ordered them to flee to Egypt with the Child and return to Nazareth.

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